




1.诊断性评价 ... II. Physical examination 体格检查 III. Diagnostic evaluation 诊断评价 IV. Staging 疾病分期 ...

4.诊断式评监  进展/形成式评监( formative evaluation)  诊断式评监( diagnostic evaluation)  总结式评监( summative evaluation) ...

5.诊断式评量量(placement evaluation) 、诊断式评量(diagnostic evaluation) (注 )。

6.诊断性评鉴建立诊断性评鉴 (Diagnostic Evaluation)机 制,从而达致: 2.1 找出及解决学校困难 存在之因素,达致质 素控制; 2.2 找出教 …

7.诊断性评监2. 诊断性评监 (Diagnostic Evaluation) : 这类评监旨在发掘、 监定学生的学习困难或教学缺失, 供调整教学 Z 方案 之参考。 …


1.Repance on history for diagnosis or further diagnostic evaluation is often needed.诊断需要结合病史和更多的参考(诊断评估)。

2.If your pet does not respond to initial treatments, additional diagnostic evaluation and treatment is indicated.如果宠物经由初步的治疗而没有好转,其他的诊断评估治疗是必要的。

3.The results of a detailed diagnostic evaluation of 62 patients with advanced heart failure and anemia included the results reported.62例中晚期心衰和贫血的详细诊断评价结果均已包含在结果的报道里。

4.With some cases, it is most appropriate to wait until the ear disease itself is better, then go back to do diagnostic evaluation.有些病例,最好等到耳病自愈后再回来诊断评估。

5.The doctor or mental health professional will conduct a complete diagnostic evaluation.医生或精神卫生专家进行完整的诊断评估。

6.In this paper, the causes, diagnostic evaluation and treatment of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding are reviewed.该文就不明原因消化道出血的病因、诊断方法以及治疗手段做出简要综述。

7.The treatment of depression is based on careful diagnostic evaluation.治疗抑郁症的诊断是基于审慎的评估。

8.The diagnostic evaluation of ultrasound before laparoscopic cholecystectomy超声在腹腔镜胆囊切除术前的诊断价值

9.Diagnostic evaluation of cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid haemorrhage with transcranial Doppler ultrasound经颅多普勒超声在蛛网膜下腔出血后脑血管痉挛中的诊断价值

10.Diagnostic Evaluation of Hysteroscopy-laparoscopy in Female Infertipty宫腹腔镜在女性不孕症中的诊治价值