


美式发音: [ˈdaɪəˌlekt] 英式发音: [ˈdaɪəlekt]



复数:dialects  搭配同义词

v.+n.speak dialect




1.地方话;土话;方言the form of a language that is spoken in one area with grammar, words and pronunciation that may be different from other forms of the same language

the Yorkshire dialect约克郡方言


n.1.a way of speaking a language that is used only in a particular area or by a particular group

1.方言 方兴未艾〖 bejustunfolding;beintheascedant〗 方言dialect〗 方药〖 prescription〗 ...

2.土语 dial n. 钟面;拨号盘 dialect n. 方言,土语,地方话 dialog n. 对话,对白 ...

3.地方话 dial n. 钟面;拨号盘 dialect n. 方言,土语,地方话 dialog n. 对话,对白 ...

4.语调 jamaican n. 牙买加人 dialect n. 方言, 语调 glamorous adj. 富有魅力的, 迷人的 ...

5.土话 dial v . 拨号 dialect n. 方言, 土话 dimension n. 尺寸, 大小 ...

6.语支 ... sericulture 养蚕[业] dialect 土语,方言;语支 transpterate 字译,音译,拼写 ...

7.土语,方言 ... sericulture 养蚕[业] dialect 土语,方言;语支 transpterate 字译,音译,拼写 ...

8.乡土语言 ... | OfficialLanguage = 官方语言 | Dialect = 乡土语言 | Administrative area code = 行政区划代码 ...


1.A bit defiantly, he said that if he enters a shop and finds the staff does not speak his dialect, "I go to another store. "带一点不忿,他说,假如他去一家商店发现店员不讲广东话,“我就去另一家。”

2.A passenger doubts this service too , think what help the dialect not genuine of a few words may not be certain to have.也有乘客对此项服务表示怀疑,认为几句不地道的方言不见得有什么帮助。

3.People from Shanghai are easy to understand Suzhou dialect, for Shanghai and Suzhou dialect have much in common.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。

4."He later turned the tape over to a pnguist who confirmed that she was speaking in Mandarin, a Chinese dialect, " reveals Dr. Helzinsky.透露:「他后来将录音带交给一位语言学者,而学者证实她说的是北京话(国语)--中国的方言。」

5.So we saw on TV how she thanked the townfolk in her local dialect and how the entire village came out to welcome their daughter .所以我们可以从电视里看到她用家乡话感谢父老乡亲,整个村庄的人走出来迎接他们的女儿。

6.Mother tongue is the first language that a person picks up and is usually the standard language or dialect of that particular ethnic group.母语是一个人最早学会的一种语言,通常也是他所在民族的标准与或某一种方言。

7.An XML dialect is just a particular set of XML tags along with some rules for how the tags fit together.XML方言只是一组特殊的XML标记,以及一些关于如何组合这些标记的规则。

8.Chapter Three describes the RP sound system in comparison with that of Yixing Dialect.第三章、分析英语语音体系并将其与宜兴方言进行对比研究。

9.Historically gcj has taken a "radically traditional" approach of treating Java as if it were a somewhat unusual dialect of C++.以前gcj对待Java采取的是一种“激进且传统”的方式,它认为Java好像是C++的某个不常用的方言似的。

10.With a comprehensive survey of the Henan Dialect, this thesis tends to provide a detailed description of its sound, lexis and grammar.本论文通过对“河南话”的全面调查,详细地描写了它的语音、词汇和语法。