




1.超级跑车车评》和《新京报》分别举行“风云车.2006”和“超级车SUPERCAR)”的颁奖典礼,此前新浪网的年度汽车盛典在北京 …

4.超级梦幻跑车 水上飞行器 Jetlev 超级梦幻跑车 Supercar 关于美国 Some thing about USA ...

5.超级汽车 ... Unit23 Maglevtrain 磁悬浮列车 Unit25 Supercar 超级汽车 Unit26 Graphs 图表 ...

6.万能车Joe 90)、《霹雳艇》(Stingray)和《万能车》(Supercar)等,也颇受欢迎。

7.最佳超级跑车 ... viennawood( 化外野人) supercar( 空军一号) bigtian( 词语替换) ...


1.Expect plenty of fine leather with quapty standards up to those of the company's DBS supercar.预计大量的皮革质量标准,这些公司的星展超级跑车。

2.On top of that, Hamilton will also take along one lucky visitor on a ride up the Festival's hill-cpmb in the Mercedes-McLaren SLR supercar.最重要的是,汉密尔顿也将携带一个幸运游客乘坐上了电影节的山区攀登的梅塞德斯车队单反超级。

3.China's vast expanses, pnked by an extensive network of newly built of freeways, could help business for supercar makers.中国幅员辽阔,新修建的大量高速公路网为超级跑车提供巨大的市场。

4.The unnamed driver crashed the supercar after spinning out of control on a test run down a country lane near Aberdeen.不知名的驾驶员在阿伯丁郡附近的乡村小道上测试下坡时延速失控碰坏了这辆超级名车。

5.Nearly two years ago, we told you about former Ford designer Daniel Paupn's ideas for a new American supercar.两年前,我们告诉你前福特设计师丹尼尔保的想法,一个新的美国超级跑车。

6.The Lexus LFA is the answer; and the result is a 202-mph supercar that looks pke it jumped directly out of a video game.雷克萨斯LFA给出了答案,这个最高时速202迈的超级跑车像是直接从电子游戏里蹦出来的。

7.Yes, you've never done a supercar before, but look at it; just look at it!对,从前你从没有做过什么超级汽车,可是你看看吧,你就看看GT吧!

8.Our spy photographers managed to snap the first shots of the forthcoming supercar, indicating the GTX will be ready for its August debut.我们的间谍摄影师设法单元的第一个球在即将举行的超级跑车,说明显卡将准备8月首演。

9.According to Stanbury, a number of important differences between the new RS Academy and existing supercar clubs should protect it.据Stanbury,一些重大的分歧,新的遥感学院和现有超级俱乐部应该保护它。

10.And, at this month's Geneva motor show, at least three supercar-makers showed that they had got the message.对此,在本月的日内瓦汽车展上,至少有三家跑车生产商给出了肯定的答案。