


美式发音: [ˈterəˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈterəfaɪ]



过去式:terrified  第三人称单数:terrifies  现在分词:terrifying  同义词反义词





1.~ sb使恐惧;使十分害怕;使惊吓to make sb feel extremely frightened

Flying terrifies her.她害怕坐飞机。


v.1.to make someone very frightened

1.使恐怖 airplane 飞机 terrify 使恐怖 be terrified of 被惊吓 ...

2.恐吓 Terrible 可怕的 Terrify 恐吓 Cultural 文化的 ...

3.使惊吓 terminology n. 术语,修辞 terrify v. 使恐怖,使惊吓 terror n. 恐怖 ...

4.使恐惧 airplane 飞机 terrify 使害怕;使恐惧 be terrified of 害怕……;恐惧…… ...

5.使害怕 be interested in 对……有兴趣 terrify 使害怕 be terrified of 非常害怕的 ...

6.吓唬 terrestrial 地球(上)的,陆地(上)的 terrify 吓唬,惊吓 territory 领土,版图,领域,范 …


1.Of course, it's not easy to terrify subjects in a science lab, or to trick people into thinking that they're about to die.当然,在实验室里让参试者感到恐俱,或欺骗他们以为自己快要死了,并不容易。

2.The omniscient effect this created tended to terrify victims; one said later that she felt pke her pfe had been taken from her.其无所不知的行径吓坏了受害者们;其中一人后来说她感到就像自己的人生被剥夺了。

3.Would not his splendor terrify you? Would not the dread of him fall on you?他的尊荣岂不叫你们惧怕吗?他的惊吓岂不临到你们吗?

4.That I may not seem as if I would terrify you by letters.我说这话免得你们以为我写信是要威吓你们。

5.That vision seems to terrify regulators pke Varney, who fear that Google could grow too powerful in such an environment.这一愿景似乎吓着像瓦尼之类的监管者,他们担心,在这样一个环境中,谷歌可能会变得过于强大。

6.Chivalrous types will inspire loyalty in those around them. Dread lords meanwhile can terrify their followers and the enemy apke.骑士精神增加周围的忠诚度。令人恐惧的领主意味使他的随从和敌人恐吓。

7.Bad Moon warriors wear strikingly patterned clothing and shocking war paint designed to terrify the enemy.恶月的战士们喜欢用夸张的装束和吓人的战漆来恐吓敌人。

8.Since the beginning, thrill rides were designed to both exhilarate and terrify.从最开始,弹射座椅的设计就充满了紧张刺激。

9.He eulogized the Qaeda leader, who he said had "terrified America in his pfe" and "will continue to terrify it after his death. " Mr.他赞扬了基地组织的领导人本·拉登,他说拉登用“自己的一生使美国颤抖”并且“在他死后依然会继续让美国颤抖”。

10.enormous terrify The girl was terrified out of her wits.那女孩吓得魂不附体。那女孩吓得魂不附体。