




1.拨号器 20.desk.cpl: 屏幕分辨率 22.dialer电话拨号程序 23.diskmgmt.msc: 磁盘管理 ...

3.拨号工具 线缆调制解调器 cable modem 拨号工具 dialer 拨号连接 Dial-up Networking ...

4.拨号参数和统计 decnet DEC 网络信息 dialer 拨号参数和统计 entry 排队终端入口 ...



1.Is it a jog dialer or it just stays in one position?它是一个慢跑拨号器或者它只是,待在一个地方?这之类的事情,你知道?

2.The dialer makes out going phone calls on the pc with a USB phone or headset.拨号器是通过一个USB接口或耳麦设备从计算机上将电话打出的。

3.The Dialer panel appears when a number is being called and during conversation.在拨号时,显示面板的数字被称为期间的谈话。

4.An internal error occurred in the automatic phone dialer. Close the Dial Phone dialog box, and then open it again.自动电话拨号程序发生内部错误。请关闭“拨电话”对话框,然后再打开它。

5.This dialer detection was very quickly followed by the detection and removal of adware and spyware.这拨号检测很快其次是检测和清除的广告软件和间谍软件。

6.We would prefer someone who has already developed a graphic skin for the VICI dialer and has one or more ready and available to chose from.我们宁可人谁已经制定了维西拨号器图形皮肤有一个或更多的准备,可供选择的。

7.Cost to private label the dialer with your brand name and logo is $250.一个标有你们的商标名称和产品标识的拨号器价格是250美元。

8.Dialer must have Inbound and Outbound campaign option to select.拨号器必须有对内与对外的运动选项进行选择。

9.Allows an apppcation to initiate a phone call without goingthrough the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call beingplaced.允许一个程序初始化一个电话拨号不需通过拨号用户界面需要用户确认

10.Award winning 3 in 1 solution - advanced Internet dialer, time synchronizer and proxy server.获奖的3合1解决方案-先进的互联网拨号,时间同步器和ProxyServer。