




1.表达式 setInterval (表达式,毫秒) setTimeout (表达式,毫秒) clearInterval (定时器对象) ...

2.定时器 setInterval (表达式,毫秒) setTimeout (表达式,毫秒) clearInterval (定时器对象) ...

4.设置定时器 setInterval[ 设置间隔], setTimeout[ 设置超时], showHelp[ 显示帮助], ...

6.事件 Chapter6:function (函数)的使用 Chapter22:setTimeOut 事件 Chapter24:Frame 框架 ...

7.的用处 12.4.2 Event 对象 12.6.4 setTimeout 的用处 12.6.5 Ajax 初体验 ...


1.The function returns a unique ID with which the timer can be canceled at a later time.这个函数(setTimeout)将返回一个唯一的ID,我们可以通过这个ID来取消timer。

2.var id = setInterval(fn, delay); - Similar to setTimeout but continually calls the function (with a delay every time) until it is canceled.varid=setInterval(fndelay);-与setTimeout类似,只不过它会持续地调用指定的函数(每次都有一个延时),直到timer被取消为止。

3.Let's take a look at an example to better illustrate the differences between setTimeout and setInterval.让我们来看一个例子,这个例子更好地阐释了setTimeout和setInveral之间的区别。

4.To start with, within the first block of JavaScript, two timers are initiated: a 10ms setTimeout and a 10ms setInterval.刚开始,在第一个JavaScript块中,有两个timer被初始化了:一个10ms的setTimeout和一个是10ms的setInterval。

5.setTimeout and setInterval are fundamentally different in how they execute asynchronous code.setTimeout和setInterval在如何执行代码上有着本质地区别。

6.var id = setTimeout(fn, delay); - Initiates a single timer which will call the specified function after the delay.varid=setTimeout(fndelay);-初始化一个单一的timer,这个timer将会在一定延时后去调用指定的函数。

7.You will define anonymous functions that use the self variable and pass them to the setTimeout and setInterval functions as arguments.然后,定义使用self变量的匿名函数,并将它们作为参数传递给setTimeout和setInterval函数。

8.The agent ends by setting up a setTimeout timer, which reloads the iFrame after a period of 1000 milpseconds.代理以设置定时器setTimeout结束,此定时器将在1000毫秒后重新载入iFrame。