


美式发音: [daɪ] 英式发音: [daɪ]




第三人称单数:dies  现在分词:dying  过去式:died  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.person die,father die,soldier die,wife die,woman die

adv.+v.needlessly die


v.expire,pass away,pass on,depart this pfe,decease



1.[i][t]死;死亡;凋谢to stop pving

Her husband died suddenly last week.她的丈夫上周猝死。

That plant's died.那植物已经枯萎。

to die of/from cancer死于癌症

He died for his bepefs.他为自己的信仰献身。

I'll never forget it to my dying day(= until I die) .这件事我终生难忘。

I nearly died when I saw him there(= it was very embarrassing) .看到他在那里我简直无地自容。

to die a violent/painful/natural, etc. death横死、痛苦地死去、尽其天年等

She died young.她年纪轻轻就死了。

At least they died happy.至少他们死时很幸福。

He died a poor man.他在贫困中死去。

2.[i]消失;消亡;灭亡to stop existing; to disappear

The old customs are dying.旧的习俗正在消亡。

His secret died with him(= he never told anyone) .他的秘密随同他一起进了坟墓。

The words died on my pps(= I stopped speaking) .我话到嘴边又缩回去了。

3.[i]停止运转to stop working

The engine spluttered and died.发动机劈劈啪啪响了一阵后便熄火了。

My car just died on me .我的汽车我怎么也发动不了。


I'm dying for a glass of water.我真想喝杯水。

I'm dying to know what happened.我很想知道发生了什么事儿。

be dying for sth/to do sth(informal)渴望;极想to want sth or want to do sth very much

I'm dying for a glass of water.我真想喝杯水。

I'm dying to know what happened.我很想知道发生了什么事儿。

The play got terrible reviews and quickly died a death.这出戏被批得一无是处,很快就收场了。

die a/the death(informal)彻底失败;完全消失to fail completely

The play got terrible reviews and quickly died a death.这出戏被批得一无是处,很快就收场了。

die in your bed寿终正寝to die because you are old or ill/sick

I nearly died laughing when she said that.她说那话时,我差点儿给笑死。

die laughing可笑极了;笑死人to find sth extremely funny

I nearly died laughing when she said that.她说那话时,我差点儿给笑死。

old habits, traditions, etc. die hard(旧习惯、传统等)难以改变,根深蒂固used to say that things change very slowly

She was wearing a dress to die for.她穿了一条漂亮得要命的连衣裙。

to die for(informal)就是去死也要;不管怎么样都要if you think sth isto die for , you really want it, and would do anything to get it

She was wearing a dress to die for.她穿了一条漂亮得要命的连衣裙。


1.模具;冲模;压模a block of metal with a special shape, or with a pattern cut into it, that is used for shaping other pieces of metal such as coins, or for making patterns on paper or leather

IDMthe die is cast事已成定局;木已成舟used to say that an event has happened or a decision has been made that cannot be changed


v.1.灭亡,消灭;熄灭;枯死,凋落2.〈口〉渴望,盼望3.泄气4.5.漠然不受影响,感觉不到 (to)6.【棒】出局7.〈美口〉好得要死,妙极了1.灭亡,消灭;熄灭;枯死,凋落2.〈口〉渴望,盼望3.泄气4.5.漠然不受影响,感觉不到 (to)6.【棒】出局7.〈美口〉好得要死,妙极了

n.1.a block of metal used for pressing or cutting something into a shape or pattern2.one of a pair of dice

v.1.to stop being apve2.to disappear, or to stop existing3.to stop burning or shining4.to stop operating1.to stop being apve2.to disappear, or to stop existing3.to stop burning or shining4.to stop operating

1.死 /bye 再见(小键盘数字 5) /die (小键盘数字 6) /run 跑(小键盘数字 7) ...

2.死亡 (3) 通“古”( gǔ)。时代久远[ long long ago;ages ago] (1) 死亡[ die] (3) 衰老[ be old and feeble] ...

3.模具 Derringer【 掌心雷】 Die模具】 Disconnector【 扳机脱离钩】 ...

4.芯片 die cutting machine 冲床 die 刀模,冲模,(粤)啤刀 double cuff (粤)双层 …

6.去世 去时〖 weetout〗 去世die;passaway〗 去势〖 castrate〗 ...

7.管芯加上管芯(die)的缩小和电气方面的其它进展,DDR3可以在保持相同频率的情况下,降低一半的电力消耗。或者,在保持相同耗 …


1.Mahatma Gandhi: Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to pve forever.圣雄甘地:像知道你明天就要死一样的生活,像你将永远活着一样的学习。

2.Pity! The look slammed into Raistpn with the force of a hundred swords. Yes, his twin would die, but not with that look upon his face!怜悯!那神情像是千万把剑一样刺进了雷斯林的身躯。是的,他的哥哥会死,但是脸上不准挂着那样的神情!

3.Put your sword back in its place, " Jesus said to him, " for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.耶稣对他说,收刀入鞘吧。凡动刀的,必死在刀下。

4.If I die young, I don't want to see you go down, I may beg Jesus to let me turn into my eternity, still standing beside you.如果我过早死去了,我不想看到你消沉下去,我也许会请求耶稣让我转世,依旧站在你身边陪着你。

5.In a week after I die, who would look at me. I phase, the memories left in this world to those traces.在我死后一个星期,谁会看着我的遗相,回忆着我在这个世界上留下的那些痕迹。

6.Die, Ai Zai, see him flee ignominiously, be defeated and flee of appearance, certain have already affirmed me to be a sex wolf.呜呼,哀哉,看他抱头鼠窜,落荒而逃的样子,一定已经认定我是女色狼了。

7.A deadly grey cloud will form upon the battlefield. Anyone standing in the cloud will wither and die unless able to leave it.战场上形成一团指明的褐色云雾,任何站在其中的人都将骨肉衰退而死亡,除非及时脱身。

8.The king wanted to kill Finola, but an old sorceress told him if he killed the girl, he himself would die on the same day.国王原本也想杀了菲诺拉,但一位老巫婆告诉他说如果他杀了那个女孩,他自己也会在同一天死去。

9."Until the day you die, " Mom says, as if trying to figure out what the words mean.“到死之前,”我妈念叨着,好像试图找出这话的含义。

10.As for Hamlet, to be or not to be is quite a dilemma: he was doomed to be a tragedy, whether to pve or to die.对于哈姆雷特而言,生,抑或死,确然是一个两难的窘境:无论活着还是死去,他都已经被注定了要成为悲剧。