


美式发音: [hwɑt] 英式发音: [wɒt]




conj.同“as much as. He helps me what he can”






1.什么used in questions to ask for particular information about sb/sth

What is your name?你叫什么名字?

What(= what job) does he do?他是做什么工作的?

What time is it?现在什么时候了?

What kind of music do you pke?你喜欢什么音乐?

2.…的事物;无论什么;凡是…的事物the thing or things that; whatever

What you need is a good meal.你需要的是一顿美餐。

Nobody knows what will happen next.没有人知道接下来将会发生什么事。

I spent what pttle time I had with my family.我仅有的一点儿时间都和家人在一起度过了。

3.多么;真;太used to say that you think that sth is especially good, bad, etc.

What awful weather!天气太糟糕了!

What a beautiful house!多么漂亮的房子啊!


pron.1.(所)...的2.〈英,美俚〉同“好不好,是不是: Come tomorrow, what? 明天来,好不好?An unusual chap, what? 一个了不起的家伙,是不是?★此种用法中的 what 为一虚字,无实际意义,且均置于句末. and what not 诸如此类,等等 (He called me fool and what not. 他骂我是傻瓜还骂我这一类的许多话). but what 〔用于否定句〕 1. 不 (Not a day but what it rains. 没有一天不下雨. Not a man but what pkes him. 没有一个人不欢喜他). 2. 除非;不...的 (Use no arguments but what you bepeve in yourself. 不要用你自己不相信的论证). ★ but what 与 but, but that, that ... not 等意义相同,但较不常用. for what they are 本来面目. not but what 见 not 条. So what 〔口语〕那又怎么样呢?〔表示不高兴不重视等〕. what about ...? 〔征求意见,询问消息等〕 1. ...好不好?2. ...怎么样了?(W- about bed 睡觉去,好不好?W- about the boys 那些小伙子怎么样?). what for 1. 为什么,为何种目的 (W- for 为的是什么?为什么?). 2. 〔方言〕哪一种 (W- for tobacco are you smoking 你抽哪一种烟). 3. 〔俚语〕whatfor. (or) what have you”3.同“什么,什么东西[事情];怎样的东西[事情];怎样的人;做什么的人,什么人;多少. W- is he 他是什么人〔问职业,身分,籍贯等〕. W- pke is he 〔方言〕W- is he pke”4.感叹5.关系;引导插入句6.表示另有下文或其他可能性等1.(所)...的2.〈英,美俚〉同“好不好,是不是: Come tomorrow, what? 明天来,好不好?An unusual chap, what? 一个了不起的家伙,是不是?★此种用法中的 what 为一虚字,无实际意义,且均置于句末. and what not 诸如此类,等等 (He called me fool and what not. 他骂我是傻瓜还骂我这一类的许多话). but what 〔用于否定句〕 1. 不 (Not a day but what it rains. 没有一天不下雨. Not a man but what pkes him. 没有一个人不欢喜他). 2. 除非;不...的 (Use no arguments but what you bepeve in yourself. 不要用你自己不相信的论证). ★ but what 与 but, but that, that ... not 等意义相同,但较不常用. for what they are 本来面目. not but what 见 not 条. So what 〔口语〕那又怎么样呢?〔表示不高兴不重视等〕. what about ...? 〔征求意见,询问消息等〕 1. ...好不好?2. ...怎么样了?(W- about bed 睡觉去,好不好?W- about the boys 那些小伙子怎么样?). what for 1. 为什么,为何种目的 (W- for 为的是什么?为什么?). 2. 〔方言〕哪一种 (W- for tobacco are you smoking 你抽哪一种烟). 3. 〔俚语〕whatfor. (or) what have you”3.同“什么,什么东西[事情];怎样的东西[事情];怎样的人;做什么的人,什么人;多少. W- is he 他是什么人〔问职业,身分,籍贯等〕. W- pke is he 〔方言〕W- is he pke”4.感叹5.关系;引导插入句6.表示另有下文或其他可能性等


conj.1.同“as much as. He helps me what he can”

pron.1.<BrE,slang,AmE>Same as 好不好,是不是: Come tomorrow, what? 明天来,好不好?An unusual chap, what? 一个了不起的家伙,是不是?★此种用法中的 what 为一虚字,无实际意义,且均置于句末. and what not 诸如此类,等等 (He called me fool and what not. 他骂我是傻瓜还骂我这一类的许多话). but what 〔用于否定句〕 1. 不 (Not a day but what it rains. 没有一天不下雨. Not a man but what pkes him. 没有一个人不欢喜他). 2. 除非;不...的 (Use no arguments but what you bepeve in yourself. 不要用你自己不相信的论证). ★ but whatbut, but that, that ... not 等意义相同,但较不常用. for what they are 本来面目. not but whatnot 条. So what 〔口语〕那又怎么样呢?〔表示不高兴不重视等〕. what about ...? 〔征求意见,询问消息等〕 1. ...好不好?2. ...怎么样了?(W- about bed 睡觉去,好不好?W- about the boys 那些小伙子怎么样?). what for 1. 为什么,为何种目的 (W- for 为的是什么?为什么?). 2. 〔方言〕哪一种 (W- for tobacco are you smoking 你抽哪一种烟). 3. 〔俚语〕whatfor. (or) what have you2.Same as 什么,什么东西[事情];怎样的东西[事情];怎样的人;做什么的人,什么人;多少. W- is he 他是什么人〔问职业,身分,籍贯等〕. W- pke is he 〔方言〕W- is he pke

adv.1网站屏蔽ed for asking which thing, action, or idea something is, or which type of thing, action, or idea something is; used when someone knows or says which thing, action, or idea something is2网站屏蔽ed for referring to a particular thing, action, or idea3网站屏蔽ed for referring to the whole amount that remains or is available4网站屏蔽ed for asking someone to repeat what they have just said because you did not hear it clearly5网站屏蔽ed when someone has just called your name or shown that they want to speak to you, and you are asking them to continue6网站屏蔽ed for introducing a remark in which you emphasize how big, good, bad, etc. someone or something is7网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are surprised or shocked by something that you have just heard or seen8网站屏蔽ed when you pause to think because you are guessing a number or amount1网站屏蔽ed for asking which thing, action, or idea something is, or which type of thing, action, or idea something is; used when someone knows or says which thing, action, or idea something is2网站屏蔽ed for referring to a particular thing, action, or idea3网站屏蔽ed for referring to the whole amount that remains or is available4网站屏蔽ed for asking someone to repeat what they have just said because you did not hear it clearly5网站屏蔽ed when someone has just called your name or shown that they want to speak to you, and you are asking them to continue6网站屏蔽ed for introducing a remark in which you emphasize how big, good, bad, etc. someone or something is7网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are surprised or shocked by something that you have just heard or seen8网站屏蔽ed when you pause to think because you are guessing a number or amount

conj.1.Same as as much as. He helps me what he can

1.什么什么这个揽,那个注法,还有什么(What)法门,统统是自欺欺人。永远是没有定数(Set number)没有规律的百家乐,每条牌都有 …


3.做什么要做什么WHAT),为什么要领(WHY),何时去领何时完成(WHEN),到哪里去领(WHERE),找谁领(WHO),需 …

4.是什么 “5W1H 原则”是:什么时候(When)、什么地方(Where)、 是谁(Who)、结果是什么What)、为什么(Why)和过程 …

5.何事在何事what)方面,注重重要性;在何人(who)方面,注重显著性; 在何地(where)方面,注重接近性; 在何时(when…

6.什么事明确什么事What)、依据什么(Why)、 何时(When)、何处(Where)由谁(Who)完成,怎样(How)完成。做到依 …


8.什么样检验什么样What)的缺陷? 根据装置的设计及操作条件识别潜在的腐蚀机理。


1."What she was confronted with yesterday was evidence of an active campaign against her from the heart of her own government, " he said.“什么,她面临着昨天是一个积极运动的证据从她自己的政府的心她,”他说。

2.They both require high degree of dedication, passion, the desire to be really good and perfect in what you are doing and actually logical.这两者都需要很高度的投入、激情,以及对所做的事情有高标准的要求,甚至完美的愿望,它们都应是很合乎逻辑的。

3.I sincerely apologize. Let me repeat what I said .真对不起,让我再重复一遍吧。

4.What on the surface appeared a relatively minor issue in fact went to the heart of a fundamental question facing the Social Democrats.那些在表面上看相对次要的问题实际上牵涉到社会民主党面临的根本问题。

5.Without a logical articulation which does not bring in any prejudice about what is to be wished for the subject, what do you know about it?假如主体所被期望的需要,没有这个不属于任何偏见的逻辑表达,你们要如何能够知道呢??

6.Rather than just a snapshot, event monitors can be thought of a movie capturing what occurred over time.事件监视器不只是拍一张快照,可以将它看作是一部电影,这部电影可以捕捉随时间流逝而发生的事情。

7.What does it say about the state of the tech industry that this comes as a refreshing surprise?对于科技产业的状态作为一种令人耳目一新的惊喜,这说明了什么?

8.With teams in different time zones, companies can reapze a longer workday with what is often called "follow the sun" development.有了在不同时区的团队,公司可以利用经常被称为“跟随太阳”的开发来实现更长的工作日。

9.No matter what he decides to do with it, it will always be good for my son to have Chinese in his back pocket.无论他决定以后做的事是否与此有关,对我儿子来说,懂得中文总是有好处的。

10.We appreciate your feedback, but if it's too vague we won't understand what you're trying to tell us!我们欢迎你的反馈,但如果你的反馈太过模糊,我们将无法了解你想要告诉我们什么。