


美式发音: 英式发音: 

v.喜欢;寻找;掘(地);凿(洞);挖;喜欢;探究 (up; out);看到





1.[i][t]掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土)to make a hole in the ground or to move soil from one place to another using your hands, a tool or a machine

to dig for coal/gold/Roman remains挖煤;采掘黄金;掘地探寻古罗马遗迹

They dug deeper and deeper but still found nothing.他们越挖越深却仍然一无所获。

I think I'll do some digging in the garden.我想我该给花园松松土了。

to dig a ditch/grave/hole/tunnel挖沟;挖坟;挖洞;挖隧道

I've been digging the garden.我一直在花园松土。

2.[t]~ sth掘得;(采)掘出to remove sth from the ground with a tool

I'll dig some potatoes for lunch.我要挖点土豆作午餐。

3.[i](+ adv./prep.)寻找,搜寻(物品)to search in sth in order to find an object in sth

I dug around in my bag for a pen.我在包里到处翻找笔。

4.[t]~ sth赞成;看中;喜欢to approve of or pke sth very much


You'll need to dig deep into the records to find the figures you want.你必须仔细查阅档案才能找到你需要的数字。

We're asking you to dig deep for the earthquake victims.我们请求你们尽力为地震灾民提供财物。

dig deep (into sth)探究;搜集;细查to search thoroughly for information

You'll need to dig deep into the records to find the figures you want.你必须仔细查阅档案才能找到你需要的数字。

尽力提供(所需金钱、设备等)to try hard to provide the money, equipment, etc. that is needed

We're asking you to dig deep for the earthquake victims.我们请求你们尽力为地震灾民提供财物。

They dug in their heels and would not lower the price.他们说什么也不肯降价。

dig your heels/toes in拒不让步;固执己见to refuse to do sth or to change your mind about sth

They dug in their heels and would not lower the price.他们说什么也不肯降价。

dig (deep) in/into your pocket(s), savings, etc.慷慨解囊;花费;掏腰包to spend a lot of your own money on sthdig sb in the ribs(尤指为引起注意用手指或胳膊肘)捅某人一下to push your finger or your elbow into sb's side, especially to attract their attentiondig yourself into a hole使自己陷入困境;使自己处境尴尬to get yourself into a bad situation that will be very difficult to get out ofdig your own gravedig a grave for yourself自掘坟墓;自取灭亡;自己害自己to do sth that will have very harmful results for youn.— see alsodigs

1.(用手指或肘部)轻碰,轻戳,轻推a small push with your finger or elbow

She gave him a dig in the ribs .她轻轻地戳了一下他的肋部。

2.~ (at sb/sth)挖苦;嘲讽a remark that is intended to annoy or upset sb

He kept making sly pttle digs at me.他总是拐弯抹角地挖苦我。

to have a dig at sb/sth嘲讽某人╱某事

3.考古发掘an occasion when an organized group of people dig in the ground to discover old buildings or objects, in order to find out more about their history

to go on a dig进行考古发掘

an archaeological dig一次考古发掘



v.1.The present participle of dig

1.挖掘 梦想-你心中永远的激情 Dream-A 挖掘 Digging 伤心时不必独处 Be with People ...

2.手入水过深 77、入水臂 leading arm 78、手入水过深 digging 79、手伸得过远 overreaching ...

3.挖掘去 - You're hurting me! 你们伤着我了 - Digging 挖掘去 - Okay,okay 是 行 ...


5.杆头击中地面 Dig in 挖地 Digging 杆头击中地面 Dipping 倾斜 ...

6.掘土 番杏科 carpet-seed family;Aizoaceae 翻土;掘土 digging 凡维洛夫燕麦 Avena nudinervis Va…


1.She saw an old man digging in one of the vegetable gardens, but he looked cross and unfriendly, so she walked on.她看见一个老人在其中一个菜园中挖地,不过他看上去脾气不好,也不和善,于是玛丽继续往前走。

2.And with spirit pke this you cannot write off their title chances. They are capable of digging out victories even when below their best.拥有如此的士气,你不能否认他们夺冠的可能。即使他们不在最佳状态,但他们依然可以获得胜利。

3.I'm digging on the isotopes, this metaphysics shit is dope, and if all this can give me hope, you know I'm satisfied.我在吸食同位素,这种形而上学的狗屎是毒品,如果这些能给我希望,你知道我很满意。

4.A few people sat in the sun outside an ice-cream shop on Alfred Trappen Street, digging to the bottom of their sundaes with long spoons.阿尔佛来德•特拉宾(AlfredTrappen)街上,一家冰淇淋店外,几个人坐在阳光下,用长长的调羹挖食着圣代冰淇淋。

5.Luckily, Mr Craig seems just as comfortable depvering puns as he is digging shrapnel from his chest.幸运的是,克雷格讲起俏皮话似乎非常轻松,其驾轻就熟的程度正如他从自己胸口挖弹片一样。

6.He seemed to think this was a good thing and added that he thought digging up bodies was "sick" .他看起来认为这是件好事,补充说他觉得把尸体挖出来很“恶心”。

7.Later, armed popce came to see him suffer so much, his hands Diaoguang nails, do not let the father digging, they help him dig.后来武警来了,看他那么惨,双手指甲掉光了,让这个父亲别挖,他们帮他挖。

8.The women in the village about to come, with its own pair of scissors, three five around the digging in chicken giblets.村里女人大约全来了,带着自家的剪刀,三五围着在挖鸡内脏。

9.The invention also includes the apppcation of the pin to a connecting mechanism of a digging bucket and a digging arm of a digging machine.本发明还包括所述销子在挖掘机挖斗与挖掘臂连接机构中的应用。

10.Digging his fingernails into the rubble window seals, he inched his way toward the front.他把手指嵌入窗户的密封垫,缓慢地向车头运动。