

surrogate mother

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1.代孕母亲a woman who gives birth to a baby for another woman who is unable to have babies herself


n.1.a woman who gives birth to a baby for another woman who cannot have children

1.代孕母亲(practicable) 指合理地切实可行; “代母”(surrogate mother) 指符合以下情况的女性— (a) 依据一项安排而怀有孩子,而— (i) …

4.代理母亲 ... treasury (资金,国库)。- surrogate mother 替身母亲,代孕母亲 artificial insemination [生物]人工 …

6.代孕母体 superovulation n. 多排卵 surrogate mother 代孕母体 uterus n. 子宫 ...

7.代孕妈妈获公平对待;但另外三名法官却认为一旦准许妇女雇用「代孕妈妈」(surrogate mother),即卵子和怀胎都不属「亲母」, …


1.Angry and grieving over the recent death of her son, she eventually becomes a surrogate mother to her new housemates.由于对儿子刚死感到愤怒和悲痛,她最终成了三位新房客的干妈。

2.After a few hours dividing in a Petri dish, researchers implanted the cloned embryo into a surrogate mother.经过培养皿中几个小时的细胞分裂后,研究人员把克隆胚胎植入代孕狗妈妈的身体里。

3.These could then be fertipsed by his partner's sperm and placed into the womb of a surrogate mother.这些卵子可以由他的伴侣的精子受精,然后由代孕妈妈来培育。

4.The singer's youngest son was born to a surrogate mother whose identity has never been revealed.这位歌手的小儿子是一个代母所生,而她的身份从未被揭露。

5.Hainan came after he met Katie and his mother for all, and identified Lee as surrogate mother, sister Katie for stem.来到海南后,他认识了李某某及其母亲杨某,并认李母作干妈、李某某作干姐姐。

6.Now 7, Jackson said the boy, nicknamed Blanket as a baby, was his biological child born from a surrogate mother.杰克逊说这个婴儿时小名为毯子的男孩,是他通过代理母亲而生下的亲生儿子。

7.Scientists have attempted to clone rhesus macaques, but none of the resulting embryos survived implantation in a surrogate mother.科学家曾经尝试要复制恒河猴,但是所获得的胚胎在植入代理孕母体内后无一存活。

8.Martin was the best surrogate mother a foal could have had.马丁是小马驹能得到的最好的代理妈妈。

9.Although they'd spent only a few weeks with each other, Shirley assumed the role of surrogate mother to Jenny before they were separated.但她们仅仅相处了几个星期,在分开之前雪莉担任詹妮的代妈妈。

10.American gossip sites said that Beyonce faked her pregnancy by carrying a fake belly, when in fact she had a surrogate mother.美国八卦网站踹测碧昂丝其实是私底下找代理孕母生小孩,自己则带著假孕肚佯装怀孕。