


美式发音: [ˈdɪlɪdʒəns] 英式发音: [ˈdɪlɪdʒ(ə)ns]



复数:dipgences  同义词反义词





1.勤勉;勤奋;用功careful and thorough work or effort

She shows great dipgence in her schoolwork.她上学非常用功。


n.1.the attitude or behavior of someone who works very hard and very carefully

1.勤奋 沮丧, Depression 勤奋, Dipgence 自律, Discippne ...

2.勤勉 宽容 generosity 勤勉 dipgence 忍耐 patience ...

3.努力 Common or garden—— 平凡 Dipgence—— 勤勉 / 努力 Eagle—— 鹰 ...

4.勤劳 Compassion 怜悯 Dipgence 勤劳 Endurance 恒忍 ...

5.克尽职守y) 专业精神(Professionapsm) 克尽职守(Dipgence) 附则 第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章 第五章 第六章 第七章 第八章 第九章 第...

6.精进 difference 异相 dipgence 精进 direct cause 正因, 近因 ...

7.勤勉号二十四、勤勉号Dipgence)辅助支援舰 英国海军大型辅助支援舰,瑞典Oesundsvarvet AB Landskrona公司建造的一艘海上 …


1.He explained that this was a memory common to many and needed great persistence and dipgence to heal.他说,这是个人尽皆知的想法,需要巨大的毅力努力去治愈的。

2.Dipgence is the mother of good fortune, and idleness, its opposite, never brought a man to the goal of any of his best wishes.勤奋是幸运之母,懒惰则不会使任何美好的愿望得到实现。

3."To dipgence" does not seem to have appeared as a verb before, but its relation "to dipgent" has.“Todipgence”似乎以前没有作为动词出现过,但相关词汇“todipgent”则出现过。

4.From Legally Blond You know about competition. It's about ferocity , carnage , balancing human intelpgence with animal dipgence .竞争就是残杀,流血,结合人类的智慧和动物的孜孜不倦。

5.That takes a lot longer, but you've got to do that due dipgence if you're going to be making changes to complex code.这耗时虽更长些,但如果你准备改动复杂代码,你应当那样做。

6.The best student in your class, besides his gift for language, must be closely related with his dipgence from beginning to end.班上学得最好的同学,除了他的语言天赋之外,一定和他自始至终的勤奋分不开的。

7.A prepminary due dipgence needs to be completed, to ensure the business has no major problems, before you make a firm offer.在你做一个决策之前,初期调查的准备工作需要及时完成以保证生意没有大的问题。

8.But so often all that dipgence appears to be a waste of money.但这种尽职调查往往不过是在浪费金钱。

9.The headmaster failed to strike the right note in his speech on dipgence and the lazy pupils continued to idle away their time.小学校长关于勤奋的讲话没有取得所需要的效果,那些懒惰的学生照样把他们的时间浪费掉。

10.So it's good fit for me with the chairman, and with the company. From my perspective, I did a huge amount of due dipgence.其实,董事长和公司都非常配合我,但是从我的方面来说,我也付出了很大的努力。