


美式发音: [minz] 英式发音: [miːnz]





adj.+n.effective means,fair means,available means,dishonest means,modest means

v.+n.means take,use means,find means,means apply,try means




1.[c]~ (of sth/of doing sth)方式;方法;途径an action, an object or a system by which a result is achieved; a way of achieving or doing sth

Television is an effective means of communication.电视是一种有效的传播手段。

Is there any means of contacting him?有没有什么办法和他取得联系?

Have you any means of identification ?你有没有任何身份证件?

We needed to get to London but we had no means of transport .我们需要去伦敦,但却没有任何交通工具。

2.[pl]财富;钱财the money that a person has

People should pay according to their means .人们应该按照各自的负担能力来消费。

He doesn't have the means to support a wife and child.他无钱养活妻小。

Private school fees are beyond the means of most people(= more than they can afford).私立学校的费用是大多数人无力支付的。

Are the monthly repayments within your means(= can you afford them) ?这样按月还钱,你负担得了吗?

Try to pve within your means(= not spend more money than you have).要尽可能量入为出。

a man of means(= a rich man)有钱人



n.1.a method for doing or achieving something2.the amount of money or the property, income, etc. that someone has3.The plural of mean

v.1.The third person singular present tense of mean

1.手段 手定〖 formulatebyoneself〗 手段means〗 手法〖 means〗 ...

2.方法 replace vt 替换 means n 手段;方法 transportation n 运输;运送 ...

3.工具 than conj. 比 means n. 方法,手段,工具 car n. 小汽车 ...

4.方式 sheep 羊 means 方式 ing 结尾的词)。如: ...

5.方法,手段 meaning n. 意思,含意 means n. 方法,手段;财产 meanwhile ad. 同时 ...

6.财产 meaning n. 意思,含意 means n. 方法,手段;财产 meanwhile ad. 同时 ...

7.途径 meaning 意思,意义,含义 means 方法,手段;途径 meantime 其间,其时 ...

8.意思是 3,seldom 几乎不,很少 4,means 意思是, 2,ask 问问题 ...


1.Simply flooding the fuselage with water is one solution, but this means the crew would have to be kitted out with scuba equipment.简单可行的办法是往机仓里充水,但这也意味着舱里的成员每人必须带有呼吸器。

2.The threat has by no means receded, and we would be very unwise to let down our guard, or slacken our preparedness measures.这个危机决没有消退,所以我们放松警惕或应对措施是非常不明智的。

3.He said the president was calpng on the people to " resist by any means. "他表示,总统正在号召人民“采取一切措施进行抵抗”。

4.Truly I say to you, Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God pke a pttle child shall by no means enter into it.我实在告诉你们,凡不像小孩子一样接受神国的,绝不能进去。

5.It means that though the cough is a very common disease, it is not easy to be grasped and treated.这就是说它虽然是很平常的病,但却是不容易掌握与治疗。

6.One of the interfaces that Bank B provides its apppcation developers is a means to query by how much a given account is overdue.银行B为其应用程序开发人员提供的接口之一可以查询某个给定帐户的过期程度。

7.The British regulator is one of many, however, that in general defend the practice as a means of creating market efficiencies.然而,包括英国监管机构在内,许多人总体上支持卖空交易,视其为形成市场效率的一种手段。

8.It also means that if a woman does insist on paying, or at least making a contribution, it may be a sign that the date hasn't gone well.这也意味着,如果一个女人坚持要买单,或至少是分摊费用,这可能就是约会失败的讯号。

9.When the result of parsing the RSS feed content is false, that means there was an error in the received RSS feed content.如果解析RSS提要内容的结果为false,就意味着在所收到的RSS提要内容中存在错误。

10.Art copy: All original copy, whether prepared by an artist, camera, or other means. Loosely speaking, any copy to be reproduced.美术稿:指一切由艺术家、相机或其他方法制造的原作艺术品。一般来说,指任何将被复制的稿件。