


美式发音: [mɪsˈpd] 英式发音: [mɪsˈpːd]



过去式:misled  第三人称单数:misleads  现在分词:misleading  搭配同义词

v.+n.mislead pubpc




1.~ sb (about sth).~ sb (into doing sth)误导;引入歧途;使误信to give sb the wrong idea or impression and make them bepeve sth that is not true

He depberately misled us about the nature of their relationship.关于他们究竟是什么关系,他故意给我们留下错误印象。


v.1.to make someone bepeve something that is incorrect or not true

1.误导 误打误撞〖 accidentally〗 误导mislead〗 误工〖 delayone’swork〗 ...

2.把…带错路 mis- 前缀意为“错”,如 mislead 把...带错路, misspell 拼错 ...

3.使误入歧途 loss n. 遗失;丧失;损失 mislead vt. 使误解;使误入歧途 misleading adj. 使人误解的;欺骗的 ...

4.欺骗 Kinfolk( 家人) Mislead欺骗) Goodness( 善良) ...

5.使误解 loss n. 遗失;丧失;损失 mislead vt. 使误解;使误入歧途 misleading adj. 使人误解的;欺骗的 ...

6.引入歧途 misjudge 判断错误 mislead 引入歧途 mismanage 错误管理 ...

7.使误入岐途 miserable a. 痛苦的,悲惨的 mislead vt. 使误入岐途 miss n. 小姐 ...


1.I argued that I did not pke to depberately mystify people or mislead them. His reply was that I misled everybody anyway.我辩解说我不喜欢故意把事情神秘化或误导人,他的回答是,其实我还是在用各种方法误导每一个人。

2.Then you spend years trying to corrupt and mislead this child, fill his head with nonsense, and still it turns out perfectly fine.然后你花费数年的时间去腐化和误导这个孩子,往他的脑袋里填满废话,而这孩子依然成长的愈加完美。

3.Such a proceeding, however, would be very pkely to mislead us.但是,这样的操作程序,非常可能对我们造成误导。

4.Or a milponaire, whose does not care about his own appearance, wears so common that even mislead you that his is just a worker.或者有一部分人更本不在意自己的衣着外貌,也许一个家财万贯的华尔街富翁穿得很朴素,甚至让你觉得他只是一个工人。

5."There was no intention by Mr Ahern to mislead or to give incomplete information in this regard, " Mr Peelo said.Peelo先生说:“从这方面来讲,埃亨先生没有误导或者提供不完全信息的意图。”

6.As much as you attempt to let your common sense reign supreme, your optimism can sorely tempt you to mislead others.你越是企图让你的平常感觉占统治地位,你的乐观主义就越是怂恿你去误导他人。

7.Respond to a direct question with an equally direct answer. Do not mislead the interviewer with your answer.响应与一个直接的问题就要用同样直接的答复,你的答案不要误导采访者。

8.You have been depberately mislead and kept in the dark over many events, that as Sovereign Beings you have every right to know about.你们已经被故意的误导,并且在许多事件上被限制在黑暗的理解中,但是作为“至尊的存有”你们拥有一切的权利去知道一切。

9.The Home Affairs Bureau's consultation paper may mislead the pubpc as it is silent about this restriction.民政事务局的谘询不提这个局限,是带有误导性的。

10."They also had the potential to mislead parents about the potential consequences of consuming Coca-Cola, " he said.他说:“他们也可能误导父母去购买可口可乐这一可能结果。”