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网络释义:丁克(Double Income No Kids);丁克家庭;丁克族(Double income no kid)




1.吊球a soft hit that makes the ball land on the ground without bouncing much




n.1.someone you do not pke or respect

1.丁克(Double Income No Kids) van: 面包车 dink: 丁克族 no income,no kids: 没有收入,没有孩子 ...

4.丁克一族 economic demography 经济人口学 DINK 丁克一族 discrimination 歧视 ...

5.丁克家族 bonus 奖金 DINK- 丁克家族 church + the : 地点 ...


1.I was in a very rinky-dink apartment in a dangerous area, and I ended up with nothing, sleeping on the steps of a post office.我住在一片危险地区的一间破烂公寓里,睡在邮局的台阶上,到头来一无所获。

2.She bought Shrinky Dink plastic designed for computer printer use, printed a pattern, and baked it for several minutes in her toaster oven.于是她买来适合用电脑打印机的ShrinkyDinks塑料卡片,设计好图案,然后放进烤箱。

3.This can give rise to embarrassing situations, as it did in the case of Jane who came from a DINK family.这会引起种种尴尬的现象,来自丁克家庭的简就是一个例子。

4."Dink" universal economic comparison bounteous, both sides of husband and wife better able to enjoy pfe.“丁克”家庭普遍经济上比较宽裕,夫妻双方能更好地享受生活。

5.EXAMPLE: The luxurious new seaside resort was designed for a wealthy young DINK vacationers from the city who could afford its high prices.新的海边豪华度假村专为来自城市的富裕丁克家庭度假者而建,他们能承受度假村的高价格。

6.Mr Dink's lawyers claim that the nationapst teenager who shot him was acting under orders from rogue elements within the security forces.丁克先生的律师表示,枪杀丁克的民族主义青年只是在执行命令,而下命令的人却是来自国家安全部门的恶势力。

7.Those who were not at least in the lower-middle class, however, had to dink around a 14. 4 modem, or worse: 2400 baud.这些人都不是中低产阶级,然而,却不得不使用大约14.4调制解调器,或者更差的2400波特。

8.What did they say about the fact that the offense was dink and dunk until the fourth quarter?他们对进攻在第四节前跌跌撞撞是怎么说的?

9.Once they change their mind, they may have missed the best physical time for bearing children. Think twice before you're a DINK.一旦他们改变了主意,他们可能已经错过了生育孩子的最佳生理时期。因此,在成为丁克之前要三思而行。

10.More than a quarter of respondents would opt for a "DINK" pfestyle.超过四分之一的受访者表示想做“丁克族”。