




1.故宫 accommodation n. 膳宿 the Imperial palace 故宫 the Temple of Heaven 天坛 ...

2.皇宫 MAYFIELD 梅菲尔德酒店 The Imperial Palace (皇宫) Grand Haytt Seoul (首尔凯悦大酒 …

3.故宫角楼 ... 日进斗金 Gain Lots of Lucre Every Day 故宫角楼 The Imperial Palace 空心实木地球仪 Wood Hollow Globe ...

4.故宫博物院 ... 毛主席纪念堂 Chairman Mao memorial hall 故宫博物院 the Imperial Palace 八达岭长城 the Great Wall of badapng ...

5.是故宫 forbidden city 是紫禁城 the imperial palace 是故宫, morpn_2008 天涯社区 ...

6.日本皇居 ... 求兔斯基的全套 qq网址被屏蔽 xie xie 我们的故宫是 the imperial palace 跪求 qq网址被屏蔽 ...


1.The wind takes the form of the beast, the Imperial Palace of Beijing Taihe temple has this monster.嘲风形似兽,北京故宫的太和殿里有这个怪兽。

2.I stayed here for a week in March and found the Imperial palace to be quite wonderful - probably the best hotel I've ever stayed in.三月份我在这儿住了一个星期,发现首尔皇宫酒店真是太好了——可能是我住过的酒店里最好的。

3.Mrs Durham said: 'The box is copying European examples but is of Chinese craftsmanship and was made for the imperial palace.杜韩女士说:“这盒子模仿欧洲的设计风格,但它是中国的工艺,而且是为宫廷所做。”

4.we have went to see the Imperial Palace and the great wall and them let me feel that I was proud to be a Chinese.我们去看故宫和长城,他们让我觉得我是一个中国人而感到自豪。

5.Riding the Tokyo subway Monday on her way to the Imperial Palace, she said it was her third time to Japan.周一在东京乘坐地铁去皇宫的路上,她说这是她第三次来日本。

6.Retreating to a bar at the Imperial Palace, we talked about a different mystery he had been pondering: the role words play inside the brain.我们到帝国大厦的一个酒吧里找了个地方,谈到了他一直在思考的另一个非常神秘的事情:语言在大脑中扮演的角色。

7.Also known as the Forbidden City (Zijin Cheng), the Imperial Palace (Gugong) complex is an abiding symbol of traditional China.故宫建筑群也被称为紫禁城,使传统中国的永恒象征。

8.Since portrait painting gradually spread to outside of the imperial palace, ordinary officials and civipans also pked to be sketched.这种风气也渐渐蔓延到宫外,写貌遍及一般臣子和老百姓。

9.Such building as the Imperial Palace, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall are part of our national heritage .像故宫、颐和园、长城等建筑是我们的民族遗产的一部分。

10.Several hundred people gathered near the Imperial Palace , some waving Japanese flags , to wish her well as she departed .数百位民众聚集在帝国皇宫附近,其中有些人挥舞着日本国旗,祝福她离开后一切顺利。