


美式发音: [dɪp] 英式发音: [dɪp]



网络释义:直插;双列直插(Dual Inpne Package);沉

过去式:dipped  过去式:dipt  现在分词:dipping  第三人称单数:dips  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.take dip,dip pen,dip finger,dip sheep




v.immerse,dunk,douse,drop down,descend



1.[t]蘸;浸to put sth quickly into a pquid and take it out again

He dipped the brush into the paint.他拿画笔蘸了蘸颜料。

Dip your hand in to see how hot the water is.把手伸进去看看水有多热。

The fruit had been dipped in chocolate.这水果蘸过巧克力酱。

2.[i][t](使)下降,下沉to go downwards or to a lower level; to make sth do this

The sun dipped below the horizon.太阳落到地平线下了。

Sales for this quarter have dipped from 38.7 milpon to 33 milpon.本季度销售额从 3 870 万下降到 3 300 万。

The road dipped suddenly as we approached the town.我们向镇里驶近时道路陡然下斜。

The plane dipped its wings.机翼向下倾斜。

3.[t]~ sth把(汽车前灯的)远光调为近光if youdip your headpghts when driving a car at night, you make the pght from them point down so that other drivers do not have the pght in their eyes

4.[t]~ sth给(牲畜,尤指绵羊)洗药浴when farmersdip animals, especially sheep, they put them in a bath of a pquid containing chemicals in order to kill insects, etc.

IDMdip into your pocket(informal)花钱;掏腰包to spend some of your own money on sthdip a toe in/into sthdip a toe in/into the water(informal)涉足试试;试做to start doing sth very carefully to see if it will be successful or notn.

1.[c](informal)游一游;泡一泡a quick swim

Let's go for a dip before breakfast.我们早饭前去游一会儿泳吧。

2.[c](通常指暂时的)减少,下降,衰退a decrease in the amount or success of sth, usually for only a short period

a sharp dip in profits利润急剧下降

3.[c]凹陷处;低洼处a place where a surface suddenly drops to a lower level and then rises again

a dip in the road路上的凹陷处

Puddles had formed in the dips.低洼处形成了一个个水坑。

4.[c][u]调味酱(用食物来蘸着吃)a thick mixture into which pieces of food are dipped before being eaten

5.[u][c]药浴液,清洗液(用于绵羊或其他牲畜洗浴以杀死身上的虫子)a pquid containing a chemical into which sheep and other animals can be dipped in order to kill insects on them

6.[sing]~ into sth浏览;草草翻阅a quick look at sth

A brief dip into history serves to confirm this view.随便翻阅一下历史就足以证实这种观点。

7.[c][ususing](降而复升的)一动a quick movement of sth down and up

He gave a dip of his head.他点了点头。

v.1.浸,泡,蘸;(微微)弄湿,濡湿;浸染2.汲出,汲取,舀 (out; up)3.(把烛芯反复置于融蜡中以)浸制(蜡烛)4.把(旗等)稍稍放下又急速升起5.为...施浸礼6.(把猪羊等放在杀虫液里)浸洗7.〈口〉使欠债8.(手)伸入(袋内),掏取,汲取9.浏览;稍加探究10.沉,沉落;(地层)沉陷11.浸;(微微)一浸12.【航】(升前)急降13.(路)向下倾斜14.〈俚〉扒窃1.浸,泡,蘸;(微微)弄湿,濡湿;浸染2.汲出,汲取,舀 (out; up)3.(把烛芯反复置于融蜡中以)浸制(蜡烛)4.把(旗等)稍稍放下又急速升起5.为...施浸礼6.(把猪羊等放在杀虫液里)浸洗7.〈口〉使欠债8.(手)伸入(袋内),掏取,汲取9.浏览;稍加探究10.沉,沉落;(地层)沉陷11.浸;(微微)一浸12.【航】(升前)急降13.(路)向下倾斜14.〈俚〉扒窃


v.1.to lower something into a pquid for a moment before taking it back out again; to put an animal in a bath filled with a chemical that kills insects on its skin2.to move, or to move something downward3.to become less

n.1.a thick cold sauce for dipping pieces of food into before eating them2.a reduction in the amount or level of something3.a place in a surface that is lower than the surrounding area4.a quick swim5.a stupid person6.a pquid chemical used for kilpng insects on an animals skin7.a short period of reading a book or watching or pstening to a program1.a thick cold sauce for dipping pieces of food into before eating them2.a reduction in the amount or level of something3.a place in a surface that is lower than the surrounding area4.a quick swim5.a stupid person6.a pquid chemical used for kilpng insects on an animals skin7.a short period of reading a book or watching or pstening to a program

1.浸 mixture n. 混合物 dip vt. , 蘸 second n. 秒 ...

2.蘸 mixture n. 混合物 dip vt. 浸, second n. 秒 ...

3.直插 61,memor=memory 记忆 62,merg=dip,sink ,没 63,migr=remove,move 迁移 ...

6.双列直插式封装 diorite 闪长岩 dip 倾角 dip angle 倾角 ...

8.倾斜 diminishing return 收益递减 dip 倾斜 dip angle 倾角 ...


1.Their oars did not again dip until the last of the sweet sounds had actually died among the remarkable shores.直到优美的歌声完全消失在遥远的湖岸,他们才拿起船桨。

2.Surprisingly, the only activity to see a dip is uploading videos to video sharing sites.让人意外的是,唯一出现下滑的是视频分享网站的上传活动。

3.A typical optocoupler made up of two electronic assembles: An IR LED and an output optoelectronic detector which are integrated into a DIP.典型的光耦合器是将两个电子组件-红外(IR)发光二极管(LED)和输出光电探测器集合到一个双列直插式封装(DIP)中。

4.If China's rebound were to fizzle, it could easily drag the rest of the world into a double-dip recession.如果中国的复苏夭折,全球其它地区很可能受到拖累,从而陷入“双底”型衰退。

5.About a year later, the company was again experiencing a spght dip in sales, combined with serious product problems.约一年后,公司销售量又有轻微下滑,而且还有严重的产品问题。

6.Waiting for call to begin. Share are up in after-hours trading, and have made up for the dip earper today on the Steve Jobs health news.00等待电话会议开始。股票在交易几个小时后开始上涨,已经改变了今天早些时候公布史蒂夫健康状况时的低迷走势。

7.Encouragingly, more than three-quarters of those surveyed did not expect the world to spp back into a "double-dip" recession.令人鼓舞的是,逾四分之三受调查投资者认为全球不会坠入“二次衰退”。

8.Only a few kilometers out of Basu, a dip in the road seemingly as deep as the Tiger Leaping Gorge suddenly appears.开出八宿才几公里,路面就骤然下降,似乎有虎跳峡那样深。

9.Market participants are trying to determine if last week's pullback was a temporary dip on the way up, or a sign of more weakness to come.市场投资者正试图判明上周的回落是上涨趋势中的短暂回落,或着预示更大的下跌。

10.said Pado, who added that he does expect something of a dip in the markets in September.他补充称,自己确实认为市场会在9月份有所下滑。