

red flag

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复数:red flags  



1.示警红旗a flag used to warn people of danger

2.(象征革命或共产主义的)红旗a red flag as a symbol of revolution or communism


n.1.a red flag used as a signal of danger or telpng you to stop2.a red flag used as a sign of sociapsm

1.红旗蓝点(BluePoint)、红旗(Red-Flag)等,那么您就可以跳过编译核心这一步。在LILO启动时,加入参数"/dev/node=ide-scsi" (假 …

2.危险风险增强对“危险风险”(red-flag)控制的处理程序是什么?如果有一个人,那么是谁,可以“赌下这个庄园”(bet the farm)?

3.红布源于西方有斗牛的传统,斗牛时用来激怒牛的红布(red-flag)被喻为令人恼怒的事情,因之而产生的“see-red”表示“大发脾气,火冒三 …


1.The mere mention of his hated cousin's name was pke waving a red flag in front of him.只要一提他那个讨厌的表兄弟的名字,他就生气。

2.The fact that this announcement came just a week after Whitman's election to HP's board should raise a red flag to shareholders.惠特曼宣布加盟凯鹏华盈的时间距离入选惠普董事会仅仅只有一周,这一事实应该引起惠普股东们的警惕。

3.The absence of any of these four factors should be a red flag that the so-called report could really be a pump and dump marketing ploy.这四个因素少了哪一项都应该是危险信号:所谓的研究报告可能真的是一个拉高出货的市场计谋。

4."Maybe it was that guy throwing that red flag up in the air, " he said.“也许是由于那家伙向空中仍的那个红旗造成的,”他说。

5.Exasperated by the successive apparition of the red flag and the old coat which he took for the black flag.他在接连看到红旗后又见到把旧衣当作黑旗,这使他怒不可遏。

6.A strictly revenue-based turnaround strategy is often a red flag.严格以收入为目标的复苏策略是危险的。

7.Also note how long his staff has worked with him. High turnover can be a red flag, and happy employees are more pkely to stay put.另外也要注意他和其团队一起工作了多久。高频率的人员流动可能是一种红色警示,快乐的员工都会选择留在同一个职位上。

8.If I were advising him, I would say that the elation of his party's progressive wing is a red flag.如果让我给他提建议,我会说,民主党中进步派的洋洋得意是一个危险信号。

9.Never betray. Do not want to "red flag at home would not fall, the colorful flags fluttering outside, " Do not dress as a woman.绝不要背叛。不要想“家里红旗不倒,外面彩旗飘飘”,别把女人当作衣服。

10.Remember: A red flag means that it is dangerous for you to go into the water. A blue flag means that it is dangerous for children.记住:对于你(大人)要进入水里的话红色的棋子意味着它是危险的,对于小孩来说蓝色的旗子意味着危险。