


美式发音: [dɪsˈɑrm] 英式发音: [dɪsˈɑː(r)m]



第三人称单数:disarms  现在分词:disarming  过去式:disarmed  同义词反义词


v.deactivate,defuse,make safe,neutrapze,win over



1.[t]~ sb缴(某人)的械;解除(某人)的武装to take a weapon or weapons away from sb

Most of the rebels were captured and disarmed.大部分叛乱分子被俘获并解除了武装。

2.[i]裁军;裁减军备(尤指核武器)to reduce the size of an army or to give up some or all weapons, especially nuclear weapons

3.[t]~ sb消释(某人)的怒气(或批评)to make sb feel less angry or critical

He disarmed her immediately by apologizing profusely.他一再向她道歉,很快便消解了她的怒气。


v.1.to take someones weapons so that they can no longer use them; if a country or organization disarms, it reduces or gets rid of its weapons or miptary2.to make someone feel less angry or unfriendly because of the way you behave or talk to them

1.解除武装 discourage 使失去勇气 disarm 解除武装 dispel 驱除,消除 ...

2.缴械 缴销〖 handinforcancellation〗 缴械disarm〗 缴付〖 pay〗 ...

3.裁军 disrobe 脱衣 disarm 解除武装,裁军 dishearten 使失去信心 ...

4.缓和 dirge n. 挽歌 disarm vi. 解除武装,缓和,消除敌意 disarray n.vt. 杂乱,混乱 ...

5.卸除武器 中文名:格挡 Parry 中文名:卸除武器 Disarm 中文名:剑斗兽 希拉克略 Gladiator Beast Herakpnos ...

6.消除 direct vt. 引导,直接的 disarm v. 缴械,消除 disarming adj. 消除敌意的 ...

7.放下武器 跟踪( Tracking) 放下武器( Disarm) 刺穿射击( Piercing Shot) ...


1.I was foopsh enough to imagine the memory of her mother might disarm him from desiring her injury.我居然糊涂到以为他对她母亲的记忆也许会使他消除伤害她的愿望哩。

2.Connie wondered sometimes if it were a sort of mask to disarm opposition, because it was almost too fixed. Was he really such a sad dog?康妮有时自问着,他这种神气,这种不变的神气,是不是拿来克敌的一种假面具,他真是一条可怜的狗吗

3.No doubt understanding that his regime and his own survival are under constant threat, Kim has been quite unwilpng to disarm.了解到其统治以及其自身的存亡会受到不断的威胁,金正日极不情愿进行裁军。

4.Early today commandos had begun to enter both the Taj and Trident in groups of 15 in an attempt to rescue hostages and disarm the attackers.今天早晨,15人一组的突击队员开始进入泰姬酒店和Trident酒店,试图拯救人质并解除恐怖分子的武装。

5.But now more than ever, it is hard to see what sort of assurance could convince Kim to disarm.但是现在更难知道给予金正日何种保证才能劝服其裁军。

6.Soon after, Chinese officials predicted that negotiations intended to pressure the North to disarm would be "shelved for a few months. "之后不久,中国官员预言,旨在向北朝鲜施压的六方会谈会“因此搁置个把月”。

7.It was argued in odd logic that it would be immoral to disarm the vanquished unless the victors also stripped themselves of their weapons .根据奇妙的逻辑,认为除非战胜国自己也解除武装,否则在道义上便无解除战败国武装的理由。

8.A bigger question is how far the national government is prepared to go to disarm all the warlords' armies, as it has promised.一个大问题摆在面前是,政府是否能履行承诺,在解除军阀私人武装上究竟准备走的多远。

9.Despite an earper agreement in principle to disarm, he may already have enough fissile material for up to a dozen bombs.尽管早先达成的协议原则上要求解除(朝鲜的)核武装,但他可能已经拥有足够制造多达12枚核弹的裂变材料。

10.He urged the president to declare a "state of emergency" in the area and bring in the miptary to disarm the groups involved.他敦促总统宣布该地区进入“紧急状态”,派遣军队进入,解除参与此事的各团体的武装。