


美式发音: [kwɪkˈsɑtɪk] 英式发音: [kwɪkˈsɒtɪk]









1.想入非非的;异想天开的;堂吉诃德式的having or involving ideas or plans that show imagination but are usually not practical



adj.1.ideas or plans that are quixotic are not practical and usually do not succeed

n.1.Same as quixotism

1.空想的 quiver (轻微地)颤动 quixotic 不切实际的,空想的 quizzical 爱挖苦的,戏弄的 ...

2.不切实际的 quiver (轻微地)颤动 quixotic 不切实际的,空想的 quizzical 爱挖苦的,戏弄的 ...

3.唐吉诃德式的 Quixote 堂吉诃德 quixotic 唐吉诃德式的 quixotical 唐吉诃德式的 ...

4.堂吉诃德式 ... Tom Jones( 汤姆-琼斯) Quixotic( 堂吉诃德式) Remake( 重拍) ...

5.堂吉诃德式的 ... 4.quip:n. 妙语,俏皮话 6.quixotic:a. 堂吉诃德式的,不切实际的 8.quizzical:a. (笑容、表情)探询的,疑问 …

6.狂想的 excel 优秀;超过 quixotic 狂想的 purity 纯洁,纯净 ...

7.狂想家的 Quirk 怪癖 Quixotic 狂想家的 Quota 配额 ...


1.Imagine become in such a man as he, perhaps only a quixotic, no touch, much of the goal and uncommon and the lack of a real dream!想象成为他那样的人,或许只是一个遥不可及,无可触摸的,远不达目的的不凡而缺乏真实的梦想吧!

2.Two and a half years later, my beautiful, quixotic son had grown into a devipsh handful.两年后,我那漂亮又爱幻想的儿子长成了一个难缠的小恶魔。

3.It is tempting to call the project quixotic, but the owners got there first: the airport was opened under the name "Don Quijote" in 2008.本应看到此项目象中世纪骑士精神式的不切实际,但当时业主为先:机场在2008年以“堂吉诃德”的命名下开始营业。

4.Nearly two years time, due to the way, rugged, car repair, and not to go home for a period of road seem quixotic .近二年时间,由于路子失修,坑坑洼洼,车子难走,本来并不远的一段故乡路就似乎遥不可及了。

5.Quixotic, I grant you, after a year in which the pghts went out all across the global financial system.我承认,在经历了全球金融体系堕入黑暗的一年后,这种做法有些不切实际。

6.More thoughtful ones may stop to ponder the remarkable Quixotic drama of a single man who set out to overturn the mighty American Imperium.而更思维慎密的人们可能已经开始,从沉迷于有一个人要单枪匹马推翻强大的美国帝国的堂吉诃德式的戏剧中,清醒过来。

7.However, as the play ended with bows and applause there was a quixotic plea for the audience to continue pursuing what is good.不过,在话剧结束后的鞠躬与鼓掌时,演员向观众说希望他们继续追求美好的东西,确实是个不对劲的呼吁。

8.as quixotic as a restoration of medieval knighthood; a romantic disregard for money; a wild-eyed dream of a world state.象中世纪骑士精神式的不切实际;对金钱不切实际的漠视;对世界大同的不切实际的梦想。

9.Mr Zuckerman recalls one quixotic venture to help rewrite Icelandic law, aiming to create a national safe-haven for WikiLeaks' work.祖克曼提到了一次异想天开的冒险行动,目的是帮助改写冰岛法律,以求为维基解密的工作成果打造一个国家级的避风港。

10.That may sound a bit quixotic, but Assange and his associates appear the opposite of benighted.这听起来有点不切实际,但Assange和他的同伙可能会面对这种情况。