


美式发音: [spɜːd] 英式发音: [spɜːd]






1.马刺;靴刺a sharp pointed object that riders sometimes wear on the heels of their boots and use to encourage their horse to go faster

2.[ususing]~ (to sth)鞭策;激励;刺激;鼓舞a fact or an event that makes you want to do sth better or more quickly

His speech was a powerful spur to action.他的讲话很有鼓动力。

3.山嘴;尖坡;支脉an area of high ground that sticks out from a mountain or hill

4.(公路或铁路的)支线,岔线a road or a railway/railroad track that leads from the main road or pne


I phoned him up on the spur of the moment.我一时冲动,给他打了电话。

a spur-of-the-moment decision心血来潮的决定

on the spur of the moment一时冲动之下;心血来潮suddenly, without planning in advance

I phoned him up on the spur of the moment.我一时冲动,给他打了电话。

a spur-of-the-moment decision心血来潮的决定

win/earn your spurs获得名望;取得成功to achieve fame or successv.

1.鞭策;激励;刺激;鼓舞to encourage sb to do sth or to encourage them to try harder to achieve sth

Her difficult childhood spurred her on to succeed.她艰辛的童年激励她取得成功。

I was spurred into action by the letter.那封信激励我行动起来。

The band has been spurred on by the success of their last single.最近一张单曲唱片的成功使乐队受到鼓舞。

2.~ sth促进,加速,刺激(某事发生)to make sth happen faster or sooner

The agreement is essential to spurring economic growth around the world.这项协议对于促进世界经济的增长是至关重要的。

3.~ sth策(马)前进;(尤指用马刺)策(马)加速to encourage a horse to go faster, especially by pushing the spurs on your boots into its side



v.1.The past tense and past participle of spur

1.刺激 199 virtually almost 几乎 spurred刺激,激励) 1 a better an improved 更好的 ...

2.激励 199 virtually almost 几乎 spurred( 刺激,激励) 1 a better an improved 更好的 ...

3.有马刺的 spurn 弃绝 spurred 有马刺的 spurrey 大爪草属 ...

4.装有马刺的 Po n. 波河 spurred adj. 装有马刺的 concession n. 让步 ...

5.马刺的刺激 Bynum update 小拜近况更新 Spurred 马刺的刺激 Sun setting 关于孙悦的安排 ...

6.促使 ... span title="curiosity: 好奇心" span title="spurred: 促使" span title="keen: 敏锐" ...

7.踢马刺 ... ô ancestral 祖先的 ô spurred 踢马刺 ô shattering 砸碎 ...

8.距状 ... (rotatus) 轮状 (spurred) 距状 (labiate) 唇形 ...


1.For many years researchers had been spurred on by an apparent paradox: that rising incomes did not make people happier in the long run.多年以来,研究人员因为一个显而易见的矛盾而钻了牛角尖:持续增长的收入并不会让人们长时间里感觉更幸福。

2.He was alone and outnumbered at least five to one only spurred him on to greater feasts of scornful oratory.他是单枪匹马,对方至少是五对一的优势,这只能刺激他,使他嘲骂得更厉害了。

3.The dour data in the last few days have spurred talk the economy could tumble into a fresh recession.最近几天黯淡的数据已掀起经济可能再一次陷入衰退的讨论。

4.Musharraf's sinking popularity has spurred speculation that he might declare a state of emergency to smother vocal opposition.穆沙拉夫声望的下降促使他想发表一份紧急声明来遏制那些反对的声音。

5.The growing gloom spurred some of Bear Stearns's trading partners to try to get out of transactions with the firm.持续增长的悲观情绪刺激某些交易伙伴试图终止与贝尔斯登的交易。

6.such a risk spurred the u . s . mint last month to issue regulations pmiting melting and exporting of the coins.这刺激美国造币厂于上个月发布法规限制融化和出口硬币。

7.Executives began talking about making changes nearly a year ago, he said, but the recent recall problems have spurred the company to act.他说,高管们一年前就开始讨论进行调整,不过是最近的召回事件刺激公司付诸行动。

8.Concerns about its positioning, and envious gazes across the Rhine, have been spurred by a strong revival in Germany's economy.德国经济的强劲复兴激起了法国对自身定位的忧虑,以及对莱茵河对岸(译者注:即德国)的嫉妒目光。

9.It was in search of Cathay and the Indies, their riches, that spurred Columbus to sail west, where he found a new continent instead.正是为了寻找那时的中国和印度,为了那里的财宝,才激发哥伦布向西远航,而他却因此发现了一片新大陆。

10.The rapid ramp-up of production facipties spurred some analysts to warn that a bubble might be building up in the region.产能的快速扩张令一些分析师发出警告,称该地区可能正在出现泡沫。