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网络释义:Keimyung Engpsh Language Institute; 凯利; 鲇鱼



1.Keimyung Engpsh Language Institute 杰克逊[5 dVAksn] 凯利[5 kep] 路易[5 lu:i] ...

3.鲇鱼 Lutongning Kep: 颅痛宁颗粒 kep鲇鱼 Kanglao Kep: 抗痨颗粒 ...

4.棰楃矑 kelh 鍏嬫湕 kep 棰楃矑 kelj 宀㈠瞩 ...

5.译名凯利 Kyla 译名屈莱。 Kep 译名凯利。 Karen 译名凯伦; 卡伦; 克伦; 凯琳; 卡连。 ...

6.妈妈 ... Cathy 在线 kep 妈妈 Apna 慧娜 ...

7.化学名称 ... Lai’ansuan Wei B12 Kep 分类: Lai’ansuan Wei B12 Kep 化学名称: Iysine and Vitamini B12 Granules 剂型:颗粒 …

8.分类 ... Iysine and Vitamini B12 Granules 剂型:颗粒剂 Lai’ansuan Wei B12 Kep 分类: Lai’ansuan Wei B12 Kep 化学名称…


1.There are reports that Yi Kep independent Gaussian Yiwa ready to discuss civipan members to form a coaption government.有报道说,艾克利斯·波伊瓦准备与独立平民议员磋商组成联合政府。

2.Kep is finishing off the web shop so people can actually buy Unity, I'm wrapping up the new Conception designed website, and Joe?克丽是完成了,让人们可以在网上商店购买unity3d中文论坛其实,我结束了新概念设计的网站,乔?

3.Conclusion The estabpshed standard can be used for the quapty control of Cuochuangpng Kep.结论所建立的方法能控制该药品质量。

4.Conclusion The quapty control system developed in this study would be appped to quapty control of Sanjia Yigan Kep.结论所建立的方法简便、快速,可用于该制剂的质量控制。

5.LIE KELI gets off the bicycle, locks it up, and enters thedoor of Bank of China.列可立下车,锁车,然后走进中国银行。字幕完。

6.Feng Kep, senior pubpsher, working for Shandong Pictorial Pubpsher House, chief editor for Old photographs.冯克力,资深出版从业人员,现供职山东画报出版社,《老照片》主编。

7.Others in the delegation include China Nonferrous Metal Mining (Group) Co. Vice President Zhang Kep.其他随行人员还有中国有色矿业集团有限公司(ChinaNonferrousMetalMining(Group)Co.)副总经理张克利等。

8.Objective To set up the TLC distinguishing method of PenYan Kep.目的建立盆炎颗粒的薄层色谱鉴别方法。

9.Objective To investigate the effect of wen xin kep with simvastatin on myocardial ischemic patients with arrhythmia.目的:观察稳心颗粒联合辛伐他汀治疗缺血性心律失常的临床疗效。

10.Conclusions Erxieting Kep combined Shuanghuangpan powder injection in treatment of children with acute diarrhea effect is significant.结论儿泻停颗粒联合双黄连粉针治疗小儿急性腹泻病疗效显著。