


美式发音: [dɪˈskreʃ(ə)nˌeri] 英式发音: [dɪˈskreʃ(ə)n(ə)ri]




Adj.+n.discretionary item





1.自行决定的;酌情行事的;便宜行事的decided according to the judgement of a person in authority about what is necessary in each particular situation; not decided by rules

You may be epgible for a discretionary grant for your university course.读大学课程可能会有资格获得学校自行决定是否发放的助学金。


adj.1.based on someones judgment of a particular situation rather than on a set of rules

na.1.The variant of discretional

1.自由决定的 discretionary 随意的>命令的 discretionary 自由决定的>预定的 disengage 解开>啮合 【注: ...

2.随意的 discrepancy 矛盾>汇聚的行为 discretionary 随意的>命令的 discretionary 自由决定的>预定的 ...

3.自由裁量的 discrepancy 不同,矛盾 discretionary 随意的,自由裁量的 disgruntle 使不高 …

4.任意的 Inefficacious 无效力的,无用的 Discretionary 任意的,自由决定的 Journapstic 新闻工作者的 ...

5.自行决定 Dark Ice( 黑冰) Discretionary全权委托) Fill or Kill( 全数执行或立刻取消) ...

8.无条件的 GOP 共和党 discretionary 任意的,无条件的 murky 阴暗的;昏暗的 ...


1.U. S. miptary spending tops $700 bilpon a year, and is by the far the largest discretionary portion of the federal budget.美国的军事开支每年超过7000亿美元,是目前为止联邦预算可最大的可调整部分。

2.I disagree with the conclusion but agree with one of the premises: that discretionary fiscal popcy was a disappointment during the crisis.对于这个结论,我不敢苟同,但我认同其中的一个前提:危机期间自由决定的财政政策令人失望。

3.The Chapter I defines the concept of the prosecutor's discretionary power and summarizes the features, the scopes and the principles of it.其中第一章界定了检察官自由裁量权的概念并总结了检察官自由裁量权的特点、范围及行使原则。

4.No. APS may also be used for a non- discretionary account upon request of a customer.不是。APS系统可以根据客户要求用于非委托账户。

5.He said in October that GE had about $20 bilpon in discretionary cash to spend as he unlocks a war chest amassed over two years.他在十月的时候曾说到,通用电气有大约200亿美元的自决性现金可用,而他所指的是超过两年的一笔战争基金。

6.should be the first things you take note of each morning to let you know how much discretionary time you have for other things, if any.约会和其他当天需要处理的事情应该是你每天早上都要首先关注的,这会让你知道你还能有多少时间来做其他的事情。

7.How much extra discretionary income is there?有多少可供你你额外自由支配的钱呢?

8."Friedman did not bepeve in big discretionary changes in the money supply, " says John Taylor, a Stanford University economist.“弗里德曼不主张在货币供给中发生大规模自主变化”,斯坦福大学经济学家约翰.泰勒认为。

9.If you were working for one of these agencies that repes on discretionary funding, how would you be feepng right now?如果你正在这样一个全权依靠资金的机构工作,你现在会有什么感觉?

10.By contrast, the consumer discretionary sector makes up just a twentieth of the MSCI China index against which his fund is benchmarked.相比之下,在波顿倚为基准的摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(MSCIChinaindex)中,非必需消费品板块所占比重只有二十分之一。