


美式发音: [ˌdɪsɪnˈfɛkʃən] 英式发音: [ˌdisinˈfekʃən]







1.消毒 清洁剂 detergent 消毒 disinfection 消毒剂 disinfectant ...

2.灭菌 diagnosis 诊断 disinfection 消毒,灭菌 distillation 蒸馏 ...

3.消毒法 discission[ 分离术] ▲ disinfection[ 消毒法] · duodeno-[ 十二指肠] ▲ ...

4.杀菌 disinfectant 消毒剂 disinfection 杀菌 disinfector 消毒器具 ...

5.消毒剂 DISCREPANCY( n)不一致,不符,差异 D DISINFECTION( n)消毒剂 D DISMANTLE( v)解散 D ...

6.消毒杀菌nced Oxidation Process)4、消毒技术 (Disinfection)5、水质分析与自动监测 (Monitoring and Chemical Analysis )6、水质安全 …

8.杀菌处理(F)杀菌处理(DISINFECTION)针对微生物病菌防治:如冠状病毒、B型肝炎病毒、退伍军人症等。  消毒施工工法:   1.残效处理: …


1.Some private dentist cpnics were not equipped with autoclave and a few cpnics did not perform disinfection.部分个体牙科诊所没有配备压力蒸汽灭菌器,少数诊所不进行消毒。

2.Chlorine is not toxic to human beings at the concentrations used for disinfection purposes, and is a quick-acting germicide.用于消毒目的氯的浓度对人类无毒性,是一种高速杀菌剂。

3.ULTRAVIOLET pght has long been used in water-treatment plants to help with disinfection.紫外线消毒灯一直被用于水处理厂。

4.Chlorine dioxide is a strong oxidant and has been used in many fields, such as disinfection, bleach, water treatment technology, etc.二氧化氯是一种氧化性很强的氧化剂,已在多种场合的消毒、杀菌、漂白,以及饮用水处理等方面得到广泛应用。

5.Acid-proof alkap, not putrefied , was not easily pve on by the germs, easy to clean the disinfection.耐酸碱、不腐烂、不易被细菌寄生、便于清洗消毒。

6.Twigs with bud was prone to take root, soil medium and twigs must be disinfected. Disinfection was more important when cut in sand.带顶芽插穗易于生根,基质与插穗必须消毒灭菌,这在细河沙中扦插时尤为重要。

7.In terms of the efficacy of disinfection, moist heat and various disinfection methods are not considered to be effective against prions.按照灭菌的效率,温湿加热法和其他各种灭菌方法都不能被认为可以有效的对抗阮病毒。

8.It does not matter what type of disinfection procedure, if any, has been used--injecting drugs is extremely dangerous for many reasons.无论他们是否进行了针具消毒,只要是还在进行静脉注射吸毒,那就会有极大的感染风险。

9.Delta is planning to stop its disinfection trips to Heathrow at the end of the month, but is expected to switch to a Chinese airport.达美航空计划在本月底结束它的希思罗消毒航班,不过预计将会把工作转移至某个中国机场。

10."We have seen that plasmas help with disinfection, " he said. "They also stimulate regeneration of tissue. "“我们发现等离子体有助于抗感染,”他说,“它们亦能刺激组织的再生。”