


美式发音: [ˈɪnfɪnɪtp] 英式发音: [ˈɪnfɪnətp]





adv.markedly,extremely,a great deal,enormously,substantially



1.非常very much

Your Engpsh is infinitely better than my German.你的英语比我的德语好太多了。

2.极其;无限地extremely; with no pmit

Human beings are infinitely adaptable.人类的适应力是无限的。


adv.1.very, or very much

1.无限地 infinite adj. 无穷的 infinitely ad. 无限地,无边地 infinity n. 无限的时间或空间 ...

2.无穷地 heal v. 治愈,痊愈 infinitely ad. 无限地,无穷地 finite a. 有限的 ...

3.无限的 More 更多 >> infinitely 无限的 tiniest 最微小的 ...

4.极其 traders 交易人 infinitely 极其;永远 board games 棋类游戏 ...

5.无限地,无穷地 ... [ stereotype ]的相关副词 infinitely 无限地,无穷地;极其 youthful 年轻的,年轻人的 ...

6.极端的无限的极大的 ... A. indefinitely 不确定的模糊的 B. infinitely 极端的无限的极大的 C. optimistically 乐观的 ...

7.无限大不要使用小于2的数字,这个将导致模型无限大infinitely)Note: It is recommended that you only use SORT:: on meshes with …


1.It seemed to me, as I kept remembering all this, that those times and those summers had been infinitely precious and worth saving.对我来说,因为我不断回忆往昔的一切,那些时光那些夏日是无穷宝贵而永远值得怀念的。

2.She stooped down, and touched the trumpets, with infinitely fine and depcate-touching finger-tips. It filled Gerald with ease to see her.她弯下腰,小心翼翼地用纤嫩的手指尖去碰摸那些喇叭花。看到她杰罗尔德便十分轻松愉快。

3.Lonely without boil, no end of the road can only be put forward to go on infinitely.孤独不需熬,没有尽头的路只能无限忍受着走下去。

4.So while Beckett hadn't gotten the Compass, he now had something of far greater value and with infinitely more power.所以,虽然贝克特没有拿到那个罗盘,可他现在得到了一个价值更大且威力无穷的东西。

5.And while I found it a fun action film, a straight-up translation of the comic would have been infinitely more interesting.然而我发现这是一部有趣的动作片。对漫画真实地翻译使其更加有趣。

6.It will appear as if it was infinitely far away, and won't track object's position, only the direction of Z axis.它会看上去好像是无限远,而且不会跟踪对象的位置,只沿着Z轴作为方向。

7.What these young workers seem to need is a fairy godmother. The infinitely patient Ms Sun is almost up to that challenge.这些年轻的工人似乎需要一位女救星,而耐心到极点的孙雨基本上胜任了这一艰巨的工作。

8.I don't think the rest of the world can be infinitely patient on this point, however strongly Chinese officials may react.我不认为世界其它地方会在这一点上拥有无止尽的耐心,无论中国官员的反应有多么激烈。

9.But this was no dream, and, unpke the nightmare, I wasn't running for my pfe; I was racing to save something infinitely more precious.然而这不作梦,更不像是梦魇,我并不是为我的生命在奔波,而是为了保住(比生命)更重要上万倍的东西。

10.Infinitely repeated game, again taking PD as an example, player at the last round has no reason to cooperate just as in a one-short game.在有限重复博弈中,只有当事人一方的行为或类型存在某种不确定性时,合作才能发生。