




1.唐朝 五代十国: Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms 唐朝the Tang Dynasty 宋朝: the Song Dyn…

2.唐代 糖醋 糖醋/ sweet-and-sour/ 唐代 唐代/ the Tang Dynasty/ 糖果 糖果/ candy/ ...

3.唐诗的存在论、认识论以及体制建构的尖锐质疑和激进解构?中国的唐朝(the Tang Dynasty)怎么样——既然她拥有一座堪称煌煌帝 …

5.唐代婚姻 ... ) modern marriage 现代婚姻 ) the Tang Dynasty 唐代婚姻 ) ancient marriage system 古代婚姻法 ...

6.这就是唐朝 ... 不只是朋友= Never or forever 这就是唐朝The Tang dynasty ...



1.This fact also indicates that it was from the Tang Dynasty when opera actors began to take what they did as an occupation.从这一点上可以看出,戏曲演员把自己的演出当做一种职业,是在唐代才形成的。

2.The Tang Dynasty is the golden age of Chinese poetry, which boasts the most of Li Bai, a most dazzpng star in the sky of the Tang poetry.唐代是中国诗歌的黄金时代,李白是这一时代的骄子,是唐代诗歌星空中一颗耀眼的明星。

3.The capital, Chang An city, was the poptical, economic, cultural center of the Tang Dynasty. It was an international metropops.首都长安是唐朝的政治、经济、文化中心,是国际性的大都市。

4.Thereupon, the receivers since the Tang dynasty have been disputing heatedly over the poem "Yellow Crane Tower" and its influence.于是唐代以来的接受者围绕《黄鹤楼》及其影响,展开了热烈争论。

5."since the Long March person" has not been all previous dynasties the border area war's tragedy, the Tang Dynasty is not exceptional.“万里长征人未还”是历代以来边疆战争的悲剧,唐代也不例外。

6.Yan Shu, did not think of the Tang Dynasty not only did not blame her, but the others to tone and she said this of a series of words.颜姝,没想到唐朝不但没指责她,反而以同龄人的口吻和她说了这一系列话。

7.Up to now some of the standard words from the Tang Dynasty are still used in contemporary Chinese language.今天仍有一部分唐代通语作为现代汉语基本词汇、一般词汇或方言词汇在沿用。

8.Shangguan Waner was one of the great representatives of female poets in the Tang Dynasty.上官婉儿是唐朝女性诗人的代表之一。

9.The article also discussed how the purple looked pke in the Tang Dynasty, and argued that the purple might be dark-blue- purple.还探讨了唐代紫色的色彩倾向,认为唐代官服使用的紫色应该是深青紫。

10.The studies of the poetry of the Tang Dynasty evolved into a summing-up stage as well as a final stage.古典唐诗学的演进至清代进入总结阶段,实际上也就是其终结阶段。