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第三人称单数:disjoints  现在分词:disjointing  过去分词:disjointed  同义词反义词


v.sppt,come apart,separate,sever,divide



v.1.to separate something at the joints, or come apart at the joints2.to force or move something out of its usual position, or be moved out of the usual position3.to destroy the unity or coherence of something

1.不相交的 discriminant 判别式 disjoint 不相交的 disjoint sets 不相交的集 ...

2.脱节 disjection 使裂开 disjoint 脱节 disjunct 分离的 ...

3.使分裂 disjoin 分开,拆散 disjoint 断绝,使分离,使分裂 disjunction 分离 ...

4.分离 ... Crosses 交叉 Disjoint 分离 EnvelopeIntersects 封套相交 ...

5.解体..... ... disintegration n. 分化;解体 disjoint v. (使)脱节,(使)解体 disloyal adj. 不忠的,背叛 …

6.拆散 conjoint 结合的,联合的 disjoint 拆散,使脱臼 junction 连接,结合 ...

7.相离  研究认为,可以采用相离disjoint)、相等(equal)、相接(touch)、相交(cross)、包含于(in)、包含(contain)、交 …


1.A poset is called a symmetric chain decomposition if the poset can be expressed as a disjoint union of symmetric chains.如果一个偏序集可以分解成不相交的对称链之并,则称此偏序集具有对称链分解。

2.Creates two or more polygons that are filled using the current polygon-filpng mode. The polygons may be disjoint or they may overlap.创建使用当前多边形填充模式的两个或多个多边形,多边形可以相互分开或叠加。

3.Task 3 produces A or B as two alternative outputs in two disjoint output criteria, i. e. , it behaves pke an exclusive decision.Task3将产生A或B作为两个独立输出条件的可选输出,即它的行为类似于独占性决策。

4.Barham's implementation simply looks for relatively short, disjoint sequences of characters in a small set (alphanumeric plus a few others).Barham的实现仅在一个小的集合中(字母数字加一些其它字符)查看相对较短和不相交(disjoint)的字符序列。

5.A terminal may receive at least one message indicating whether disjoint pnks are supported by at least one sector.终端可接收指示至少一个扇区是否支持分离链路的至少一个消息。

6.An advertising platform is also a special case of a two-sided network connecting two disjoint markets of on-pne users and advertisers.广告平台也是双向网络的例子--联结分离的在线用户与广告主。

7.Yes, but it isn't immediately obvious as the set of possible MPL sequences isn't inherently disjoint from the set of callable builtin types.是的,但这不是非常明显,因为可能的MPL序列集不是从可调用内建类型集中自然地分解出来的。

8.disjoint To put out of joint; dislocate.使…的关节分离;使脱臼。

9.with an eye to the disjoint of law and practice , chapter 1 demonstrates that the adjudicative power shall belong to adjudicator de jure.第一章着眼于法律的规定与现实的脱节,论证裁判权应当归法定的裁判者。

10.Adds to the collection of highpghted text in a text container that supports multiple, disjoint selections.添加到突出显示文本集合中,该集合位于支持多个不连续选择的文本容器中。