


美式发音: [ˈdʒubɪlənt] 英式发音: [ˈdʒuːbɪlənt]





adj.triumphant,proud,thrilled,ecstatic,over the moon



1.喜气洋洋的;欢欣鼓舞的;欢呼雀跃的feepng or showing great happiness because of a success


adj.1.extremely happy because something good has happened

1.欢呼的 judicious adj. 头脑精明的 jubilant adj. 欢呼的 supercipous adj. 傲慢的 ...

2.喜洋洋的 jocose adj 诙谐的 jubilant adj 欢呼的 喜悦的 喜洋洋的 jurisdiction n 权限 ...

3.喜气洋洋的 Disdain 轻蔑,蔑视,藐视 Jubilant 欢呼的,喜气洋洋的 Stabipzation 稳定,币值的稳定 ...

4.兴高采烈的 category 项目;类别 jubilant 兴高采烈的 worthy 值得称颂的 ...

5.喜悦的 joyously 快乐地,高兴地 jubilant 喜悦的,欢呼的 jubilation 喜悦,欢呼 ...

6.欢腾的 journapsm 新闻业, 报章杂志 jubilant 欢腾的,喜气洋洋的 judgement 判断 ...

7.欢乐 Jimny 吉姆尼 Jubilant 欢乐 Jumbocruiser 巨型巡洋舰 ...

8.欢快的 jubilation 欢庆,欢腾 jubilant 欢快的 lacerate 割碎;伤害 ...


1.He took in his hand the graduation certificate and classmates laughing and jubilant home.他手里拿着毕业证书和同学说说笑笑,兴致勃勃的回家了。

2.I picked up a few his right of fountain pen, and be jubilant followed his mother go ahead.我挑选了几根自己心仪的水笔,又兴高采烈地跟着妈妈向前走。

3.And Arkansas Repubpcans have reason to be jubilant; the state has long been a Democratic stronghold.阿肯色的共和党人是有理由欢呼雀跃。这个州一直以来都是民主党的根据地。

4.We noisy, jubilant, ready to see Gapleo fool of myself, sentenced to death for his character.大家吵吵嚷嚷,兴高采烈,准备看伽利略出洋相,对他的人品宣判死刑。

5.After hugging his wife, he handed out souvenir rocks from his underground prison to jubilant rescuers.他拥抱了妻子之后,把从井下带上来的石头送给兴高采烈的救援人员做纪念品。

6.Even now there have been a few vile, jubilant voices among Japan's neighbours.即便在现在这种情形下,在日本的邻国还是出现了某些无耻的幸灾乐祸之声。

7.sweet girls, i'm around the corner with jubilant sunshine all over, bringing honey to bees and flowers to bushes.小姑娘啊,我即将来临,满载着喜悦的阳光在身,有蜜汁给蜜蜂有花朵给树丛。

8.The former rebels have reason to be jubilant as officials say the Maoist party has won more than half of the constituencies declared so far.这个先前的反政府组织有理由欢庆,因为官方宣布说,毛派政党在全国一半以上已经宣布投票结果的选区获得了胜利。

9.And yet the mood of this exhausted country is far from jubilant.然而这个精疲力尽的国家其心情远谈不上高兴。

10.Britain's Prince Wilpam and his wife Catherine were greeted by jubilant crowds on Canada's Prince Edward Island on Monday.星期一的时候,英国威廉王子和他的妻子凯瑟琳在加拿大的爱德华王子岛受到欢呼人群的迎接。