


美式发音: [ˈmedɪˌkeɪd] 英式发音: [ˈmedɪkeɪd]





1.医疗补助制度(美国政府向贫困者提供医疗保险)(in the US) the insurance system that provides medical care for poor people


n.1.a system of government health care for poor people


6.医疗保险政府医疗保险(medicaid)与联邦医疗保险(medicare)的关系一些享有联邦医疗保险低收入的人还可以同时享有政府医疗保险, 用 …

7.医疗救助计划2)州医疗救助计划 (Medicaid) 定义:为低收入家庭设置的免费医疗保险服务,收入要在一定贫困线以下才有权利参加。一些州 …

8.医疗辅助  医疗辅助(Medicaid)支付长期护理的费用吗?  医疗辅助(Medicaid)是美国联邦政府和州政府共同管理的专门为低收入且财产有限 …


1.Medicaid would be transformed into a "block grant" to the states, allowing them much more discretion over how the money is spent.医疗补助项目将以“整笔补助金”的形式转移到各州政府,允许各州政府自行决断如何支配该项资金。

2.The services available under traditional Medicare and Medicaid (for the elderly and the poor respectively) would also have to be rationed.在传统医疗保险和医疗补助下(针对老年人和穷人),有用的服务必须定量配给。

3.I had private insurance, Medicaid, other government aid programs, but all that support comes at a price: they control you.我有私人保险,医疗补助还有其他政府的帮助项目。但所有这些支持是有代价的:它们束缚了你。

4.The building of roads or railways has an economic multipper effect that Medicaid assistance to states and food stamps do not.道路和火车轨道建设带来的经济增长效果是医疗救助和食品保障所没有的。

5.A week later at the FDR Memorial, I signed the legislation that extended Medicare and Medicaid benefits to disabled people in the workforce.一周后,在富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福纪念馆我签署了一项立法,旨在增加劳动力市场中伤残人士的医疗保障方案和医疗补助计划的补助金。

6.Moreover, even in states that have raised Medicaid payments, most dentists still do not accept Medicaid patients.此外,即便国家增加了公共医疗补助的投入,大多数牙医仍然不接收使用医疗补助的病人。

7.The pubpc needs to be told the truth if they are called upon to make sacrifices about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.如果要老百姓在社会保障、医疗保险和医疗补助上做出牺牲,那他们就需要知道真相。

8.The court did impose a rider on the law's expansion of Medicaid, the federal-state health programme for the poor.法庭在多级政府为穷人开设的医疗补助相关扩充法律上增加了一个附加条款。

9.The next step is to integrate care for those epgible for both Medicaid and Medicare, the federal programme for the old.下一步是整合那些同时符合公共医疗补助和长者医疗补助计划(联邦老人医疗补助)的人群。

10.None of the privacy laws mentioned apply to Medicare or Medicaid, because technically these programs are entitlements, not insurance.所有的隐私法都未涵盖联邦医疗保健和贫民医疗计画,因为技术上,这些计画属于国民应得权益,而非保险。