


美式发音: [ˌdɪsəˈluʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌdɪsəˈluːʃ(ə)n]



复数:dissolutions  同义词反义词





1.(婚姻关系的)解除;(商业协议的)终止;(议会的)解散the act of officially ending a marriage, a business agreement or a parpament

2.消失;消亡the process in which sth gradually disappears

the dissolution of barriers of class and race阶级和种族隔阂的消除

3.解体;瓦解;分裂the act of breaking up an organization, etc.


n.1.the process of officially ending the existence of a group or organization; the process of formally ending a legislature; the process of officially ending a marriage or other legal agreement2.the process of gradually getting weaker or smaller and then disappearing

1.解散 dishonoured check 退票 dissolution 解散 dividend 股利 ...

2.溶解 dissolve v 溶解;分解 dissolution n 溶解;毁灭 insolvent a 无力偿还的 ...

3.分解 dis- 1 . 分开 dissolution n 分解 distribution 分发 2. 否定 ...

4.解除 dissension 意见不合 dissolution 解除 dissolve 溶解;取消 ...

5.解体 dishonoured cheque 退票;不兑现支票;拒付支票 dissolution 解散;解体 distribution channel 分销途径 ...

6.溶解作用 脱水作用: dehydration 溶解作用dissolution 沉淀作用: precipitation ...

7.瓦解 dissolubipty 溶解度 dissolution 溶出度 disintegration 崩解时限 ...


1.Results: The dilution steps influence determination of the dissolution. Reference substance was more reasonable than self reference.结果:稀释步骤影响溶出度的测定,对照品比自身对照合理。

2.King staggered after him, and, with a pang pke that of dissolution, depvered another blow.汤姆金蹒跚地追过去,忍受着好象要瓦解一样的剧疼,又打了一拳。

3.But actually the operating result of the strategic alpance is not so satisfied. The dissolution rate is always higher.但战略联盟的实际经营效果差强人意,联盟解散的比率一直较高。

4.Moreover, if the drug is in the anhydrous state, the rate of dissolution is usually faster than with the hydrous salt.而且,如果药物在无水状态,溶解的速度通常快速比与含水盐。

5.It has only two options: to go forwards towards a closer union or backwards towards at least partial dissolution.如今它只有两个选择:要么继续前进,建立一个更紧密的联盟,要么倒退,至少部分解体。

6.After the Dissolution, it was reapsed that its circular shape made it a perfect venue for cock fighting.在解散寺院之后,鸽棚的环形结构为斗鸡提供了绝佳的场所。

7.The reason is: At this point oral bacteria began to break down food residues in the acidic substances, corrosive enamel dissolution.理由是:此时口腔细菌开始分解的酸性物质的食物残渣,腐蚀性搪瓷解散。

8.He said: "The state of the reactor core can not confirm, however, can not conclude that there is no dissolution of nuclear fuel rods. "他说:“炉心的状态还无法确认,但是,无法断定核燃料棒没有溶解”。

9.After the dissolution of the JV Company, all the original financial and tax documents of the Company shall be kept by the investors.合营公司解散后,公司的财务文件和税收文件的所有原件应由投资人保管。

10.All that thou seest will quickly perish, and those who have been spectators of its dissolution will very soon perish too.所有你看到的事物都将迅速地衰朽,那些目击其分解的人们不久也将逝去。