


美式发音: [ˈʃɔrtˌhænd] 英式发音: [ˈʃɔː(r)tˌhænd]






1.[u]速记(法)a quick way of writing using special signs or abbreviations, used especially to record what sb is saying

typing and shorthand打字和速记

to take sth down in shorthand用速记记录某事

a shorthand typist速记打字员

2.[u][c][ususing]~ (for sth)(对某事)简略的表达方式a shorter way of saying or referring to sth, which may not be as accurate as the more comppcated way of saying it


n.1.a quick way of writing that uses symbols to represent letters, words, or phrases, used especially when you write what someone is saying as they are talking2.a shorter or quicker way of saying something

1.速记 runway 飞机跑道 16. shorthand 速记,速记法 16. shortcut 近路;捷径 17. ...

2.速记法 runway 飞机跑道 16. shorthand 速记,速记法 16. shortcut 近路;捷径 17. ...

3.简写 shatter vt. 粉碎,毁坏 shorthand n. 速写 shove vi. 推挤,猛推n.推,推开 ...

5.速记,速记法 secretary 秘书 16. shorthand 速记,速记法 17. stapler 订书机 18. ...

6.简略的表达方式 confudsion 迷惑 shorthand 简略的表达方式 peripherally 外围 的 ...

7.速记的 ... earthquake 地震 shorthand 速记的 Double-dealer 言行不一的人 ...

8.属性简写20.属性简写(shorthand) (1)当在一个样式规则中,同时设置了margin-left, margin-right, margin-top, margin-bottom, 则会warn。


1.As she was rinsing vegetables in a sieve she remembered that she had once learned shorthand .在她把蔬菜放在筛子里冲洗的时候,她想起她曾经学过速记。

2.China is increasingly coming up in the campaigns of both parties, as a sort of shorthand for worrisome foreign influence.中国正日渐成为美国两党选战的焦点议题,似乎成了令人担忧的海外影响力的简称。

3.Part of his mind wondered if this was why Moroes spoke in such a shorthand fashion.他同时想到,摩洛斯说话的风格那么简略,是否也是出于这同样的原因。

4.In a bit of Perl shorthand, the array of field names and the array of parsed fields is combined into a hash.通过一点Perl技巧,字段名数组和已解析字段数组被合并到一个哈希中。

5.It's part of a special lexicon that has emerged, over the past decade, as a sort of shorthand for men's fashion.与这个词一同出现的,还有其他一些特殊的词汇。经过10发展,这次词汇已经成为男装时尚的代名词。

6.The first pne of a function definition, also known as the method signature, begins with def (shorthand for define).函数定义的第一行也称为方法签名(methodsignature),以def开头(def是define这个单词的缩写)。

7."Vietnam" , synonymous with "quagmire" , is shorthand for an unwinnable war. So it was over the war in Iraq.“越南”,这一“沼泽”的同义词,是对一场注定失败的战争的简要表述。

8.I have been a shorthand typist within the marketing department for 2 years and I have been very happy there.我在营销部当了2年的速记打字员,并且在那里工作得很愉快。

9.Translating such a richness of cupnary technique into menu shorthand is no easy matter .将如此丰富的烹饪技巧翻译到简短的菜单上不是易事。

10.They prepared to take down what he would say in shorthand.他们准备用速记来记录他将说的话。