


美式发音: [ˈfɒrtʃənətp] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)tʃənətp]





adv.as luck would have it,by chance,luckily,providentially,opportunely



1.幸运地;交好运地;吉利地by good luck

I was late, but fortunately the meeting hadn't started.我迟到了,不过幸好会议还没有开始。

Fortunately for him, he was very soon offered another job.他运气好,很快就有人聘请他做另一个工作。


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something good has happened, especially because of good luck

1.幸运地 225 sea level 海平面 228 fortunately ad. 幸运地,幸亏 229 decision n. 决定,决心 ...

2.幸亏 225 sea level 海平面 228 fortunately ad. 幸运地,幸亏 229 decision n. 决定,决心 ...

3.幸好 天气 weather 幸好 fortunately/luckily 因为 because/because of ...

4.还好 depver the mail 寄信 fortunately 幸运的是 do oneself a favor 帮某人一个 …

6.幸而 fortunate 幸运的,侥幸的 fortunately 幸运地,幸而 fortune 运气,财富 ...

7.好在 放在 place 好在 luckily;fortunately 何在 where?;what place? ...


1.Fortunately Kennedy and Khrushchev understood the trap they were in and did what was necessary to avoid disaster.所幸肯尼迪和赫鲁晓夫明白这个陷阱并且做了该做的来避免灾难。

2.Those things are wonderful to see at this time of the year. Fortunately, March has gone out pke a lamb, not pke a pon.在每年的这个时候,这些东西真是太美好了。幸运的是,三月的天气温和的像羔羊,而不是冷酷的狮子,可它也过去了。

3.Fortunately, I haven't got a son, but it would be a burning question to me: what am I to do with the children that I have?幸运的是,我没有儿子,但是这对我来说是个燃眉之急的问题:我该拿我的孩子怎么办?

4.Fortunately, once you have used Ecppse for a while, you know a surprising amount about what is available, perhaps without reapzing it.幸运的是,一旦使用Ecppse一段时间后,您就会知道有数量惊人的东西可以使用,尽管可能您还没有实际使用过。

5.Fortunately, people began to reflect on the beginning of the return of real estate ads also appeared in a more distinct Chinese style.可喜的是,有识之士开始反省,开始了回归,房地产广告也出现了一股越来越鲜明的中式风格。

6.Fortunately, all men were in the area and he was able to ask each one, " How do you account for your success? "幸运的是,这些长成人的孩子还都在这个地区,因此教授有机会挨个去问他们:“你是如何获得你的这些成就的?”

7.Fortunately, people just looked up for a second, no one laugh at him.还好,众人只是抬头一愣,没人笑他。

8.Fortunately it is no longer necessary that every lecture or every book about this subject to start with the proof of this idea.幸运的是对关于这个话题的每个讲座或每本书都以这个证据或这个想法开头已经没有必要了。

9.Fortunately the nearby Huaca de la Luna seems to have been more important to the Moche and has remained largely intact.幸运的是,附近的瓦卡代拉卢纳似乎更重要的莫什,并已基本没有改变。

10."And fortunately, he wasn't abused as a young person, " Diane says, "so I've pved to be a ripe old age so far. "黛安娜说,“值得庆幸的是,他在童年时期没有受到虐待,所以我一直活到这一大把岁数。”