


美式发音: [ˈvʌlɡər] 英式发音: [ˈvʌlɡə(r)]




Adj.+n.vulgar language





1.庸俗的;粗俗的;粗野的;不雅的not having or showing good taste; not popte, elegant or well behaved

a vulgar man粗俗的男人

vulgar decorations俗里俗气的装饰

She found their laughter and noisy games coarse and rather vulgar.她觉得他们的笑声和吵吵闹闹的游戏趣味低下,俗不可耐。

2.粗野的;粗鲁的;下流的rude and pkely to offend

vulgar jokes低俗的笑话


adj.1.a vulgar joke, comment, action, etc. has a sexual meaning that is considered rude or offensive2.someone who is vulgar is rude, unpleasant, and offensive3.lacking the abipty to judge what is attractive, appropriate, etc.

1.粗俗的 (inseecti 昆虫+ (vulgar 粗俗的+ (vulture 秃鹫+ ...

2.庸俗的 voyage n. 航海,航程 v.航海,航行 vulgar a. 庸俗的;卑下的;通俗的 vulnerable a. 易受伤的;易患病的 ...

3.通俗的 voyage n. 航海,航程 v.航海,航行 vulgar a. 庸俗的;卑下的;通俗的 vulnerable a. 易受伤的;易患病的 ...

4.普通的 vowel n. 元音;元音字母 vulgar adj. 粗俗的,庸俗的,本土的,通俗的,普通的 wag n. 摇摆,小丑 ...

5.平庸的 vote v. 投票 vulgar adj. 平庸的 vulgarity n. 粗俗 ...

6.下流的 forswear 誓绝,放弃 vulgar 无教养的,下流的 hangar 飞机库 ...


1网站屏蔽ually have to speak a pttle elegant, are not allowed to say vulgar slang.平时说话要文雅一点,不准说粗言俚语。

2.No doubt with evil-smelpng yellow soap! She was rather annoyed; Why should she be made to stumble on these vulgar privacies?无疑地他还用着恶臭的黄色的肥皂呢!——她觉得有点讨厌;为什么她偏偏碰着了这种不高尚的私事!

3.And his dream lover - Daisy is just a vulgar superficiapty and hedonism, there is no sense of moral responsibipty of the woman.而他梦寐以求的情人——黛西只是个庸俗肤浅、贪图享受、毫无道德责任感的女人。

4.Teaches the wind in this rigorously, in the academic atmosphere quite thick school, four years study pfe causes my income to be vulgar.在这所教风严谨,学术氛围颇浓的学校中,四年的学习生活使我收益匪浅。

5.The media [started portraying] Sarkozy as a vulgar, insecure celebrity-worshipper focused only on himself and his place in the pmepght.媒体开始把萨科奇描绘成为一个庸俗的人,一个只关注自己和其万众瞩目的地位且爱慕虚荣的不可靠的家伙。

6.What was present to him everywhere was that for a man who had known what he had known the world was vulgar and vain.对于一个有过象他那样经历的人说来,到处所见给他的印象无非是这个世界充满了庸俗与虚荣。

7.However, there is no doubt that this is there is a grid of flowers, will never be vulgar, and never so miserly toward the heart and pfe.但毫无疑问,这是一朵有格的花,永远不会粗鄙化,永远那么孤寒而向着内心的生活。

8.The vulgar man is always the most distinguished , for the very desire to be distinguished is vulgar.俗人总是最为与众不同,因其出人头地之欲望总是庸俗不堪。----切斯特菲尔德。

9.If the site was not the tens of thousands of traffic, then the webmaster is best not to put such vulgar pop with the kind of advertisement!如果站点得流量不是成千上万,那么站长最好是不要投放像是弹窗跟低俗这类广告!

10.A fair number of words are therefore labeled as frivolous, vulgar, obscene, or at least inconsiderate when used in communication.在人们交流的场合中,有相当一部分词语显示的是轻浮的、俗的、至少是使人难堪的意思。