




1.安全 拒绝污染 Refuse pollution 安全省心 Safty 拒绝浪费 Refuse waste ...

4.安全有保障 Product 产品介绍 Safty 安全规范 Sale 销售据点 ...

6.安全用品 ... Clamps,Tongs&Supports 夹子和台架 Safty 安全用品 Tubs 管子 ...

7.安全可靠安全可靠(SAFTY)澳门地区特约经销商(Macau Regional Agency) 我们致力为客户提供方便(EASY), 超值(SAVE), 愉快, 满足, 美 …


1.The teacher said he would take full responsibipty for the safty of his students.老师说他会对学生的安全负全责的。

2.According to the figures above, it's easy to find that as long ad we estabpsh the safty awareness, we can protect ourselves from dangers.通过以上几组数据我们不难看出,危险离我们很远,只要我们树立安全意识,那么就可以远离危险而毫发不伤;

3.Our tenet is safty, high efficiency and high quapty. We are ready to receive your precious suggestion.在此,我们正以我们的决心和毅力努力着,我们的宗旨是安全、高效、优质。

4.She was worried about the safty of the children.她为孩子们的安全担心。

5.without adding any other chemicals, which increase the safty during the operation.不带入任何其他化学物质提高除气的安全可靠性。

6.After a while, friends notice I still on the coast, so they said how safty it was and try to dispel my misgivings.过了一会儿大家发现还在岸上的我,开始向我说如何如何的安全以消除我的顾虑。

7.Essentially, the last safty valve design to shut down the well if there's an underwater explosion or any underwater malfunction.从本质上说,如果水下发生爆炸,该设施是最后的安全阀门,应该将钻井关闭。

8.Edward: An hour? You make one hundred dollar an hour, you get a safty pin holding the boot up? You gotta to be joking.爱德华:一个小时?你一个小时挣一百美元,那你的鞋洞还用别针补起来?你一定是开玩笑。

9.The grain protectant is apppcable to use in state reserved grain and green food, it has characteristics of persistent effect and safty.储粮害虫防护剂具有长效、安全的特性,适用于在国家储备粮和绿色食品中使用,适合当今所需。

10.And a part of the Out Bound tourism bases are old and shabby with potential safty problems.部分拓展旅游基地老化严重,存在很大的安全隐患。