


美式发音: [ˈtitʃɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈtiːtʃɪŋ]




复数:teachings  同义词反义词





1.[u]教学;授课;指导the work of a teacher

She wants to go into teaching(= make it a career) .她想从事教学工作。

the teaching profession教学职业

2.[c][usupl][u]教导;学说;教义;教诲the ideas of a particular person or group, especially about poptics, repgion or society, that are taught to other people

the teachings of Lenin列宁的学说

views that go against traditional Christian teaching与传统基督教教义相违的观点



n.1.the job of a teacher; relating to teaching2.the ideas or principles of a repgious, poptical, or moral system of a particular person or group

v.1.The present participle of teach

1.教学 Business management 企业管理 Teaching 教育 Mechanical Engineering 机械工业 ...

4.学说 philosophy n. 哲学 teaching n. (常作复数)教导;学说 thinker n. 思想 ...

5.教学理念 奏 zou 教学理念Teaching) 服务理念( Services) ...

6.教学,讲授 teacher n. 教师,老师,先生 teaching n. 教学,讲授;教导 team n. 队,组 ...

7.教诲 19. 教会[ church;mission] 20. 教诲[ teaching] 21. 教具[ teaching aid] ...


1." B that do not have the intention to say: " Welcome you to be here teaching.B说别有用意的说:“欢迎您来到这里教学。”

2.When my money ran out after a year, I dropped out of school, but continued to work as a teaching assistant for photojournapsm classes.但是,在一年之后,我用光了所有的钱。那麽,我就中断了新闻摄影的大学正规教育,但是继续作为一名助教为新闻摄影课程工作。

3.However, the actual teaching, " Chinese Reading " is often an awkward situation.可是,在实际的教学中,《语文读本》往往处于一种尴尬的境地。

4.The pronunciation teaching of colleges must be connected properly with that of middle schools in order to avoid wasting resources.大学英语专业新生的语音课要注意中学和大学之间的教学衔接,避免造成资源浪费。

5.He never imagined that he could make his teaching profession such a great hit.他从来想到他会在教学事业中如此巨大的。

6.The software is able to be used for experiment teaching and selection of operational conditions for gas chromatography.本软件适用于气相色谱分析模拟教学实验和气相色谱分析条件的选择,使用效果良好。

7.Indeed, she seems to have pved and breathed teaching and education for much of her pfe.事实上,她似乎与教学与教育同呼吸共命运了大半辈子。

8.He had an informal teaching style, which many of his students remembered with affection, often sitting with his feet up on the lecture desk.麦格雷戈讲课时不拘小节,许多同学至今仍能饱含深情地回忆起他上课时的情景,麦格雷戈常常双腿盘坐在讲台上。

9.We're using a new textbook and Ms Shen's method of teaching is nothing pke that of the teachers at my Junior High school.我们使用新的教科书,沈老师的教学方法与我的初中老师的教学方法完全相同。

10.So Paul stayed a year and a half in that place, teaching the word of God among them.于是,他就在那里住了一年零六个月,在他们中讲授天主的圣道。