



美式发音: [dɪtʃ] 英式发音: [dɪtʃ]




复数:ditches  现在分词:ditching  过去式:ditched  搭配同义词

v.+n.dig ditch

v.dump,scrap,get rid of,chuck,drop





n.1.a long narrow hole dug along the side of a road or field, usually so that water can run into it

v.1.if an aircraft ditches, or if the pilot ditches it, it comes down in the ocean in an emergency2.to get rid of someone or something because you no longer pke or need them; to end a sexual or romantic relationship with someone in a sudden and unkind way

1.壕沟 ponds 池塘 ditches 壕沟 show-jumping 骑马越障表演 ...

2.排水沟 开顶及无顶截水槽 Open-Top and Non-Top Drains 排水沟 Ditches 导流棒 Waterbars ...

3.水渠 backyard 私人的 ditches 水道 streams 小河 ...

5.公爵夫人 蛋头人( Humpty Dumpty) 公爵夫人Ditches) 三月兔( March Hare) ...

6.灌溉渠道例如清除灌溉渠道(ditches)内的淤积和树叶,提早收割(harvest)较早熟的作物,加强防洪堤(dykes),和用胶覆盖(plastic cover) …


1.Site such areas where the surface runoff during rain will not cause contamination , and protect the area with cutoff ditches.选址时应注意,下雨时从这里流出的水不会引起污染,并挖排水沟进行保护该区域。

2.You know, I see this old backhoe that some red-neck is running everyday, maybe digging ditches out in the sun for the phone company.比如这台老旧的挖土机,让我仿佛看到某个乡下小伙儿每天都开着它在烈日下替电话公司挖沟。

3.Unfortunately, erosion can be a problem in the ditches, and uniform water apppcation is often difficult to attain with this method.遗憾的是采用这种方法,渠道冲刷是一个问题,而且往往很难实现均匀灌水。

4.He took part in forced labour as slowly as he could, digging ditches or chopping up blocks of marble in the fierce, dripping Cuban heat.在参加强制劳动,他尽其所能的迟缓。无论是挖掘沟渠,还是高强度的切割大理石。

5.Along these ditches I turned up some pieces of pottery, all of it broken, and arrowheads, and a very neat, well-finished stone pick-ax.沿着这些沟渠我挖出了一些陶器,都是碎的,还有箭镞,以及一只非常光滑、磨得很好的石斧。

6.This year, the long-necks swamped the garden paths, pressing us to detour through the ditches.今年,长杆罂粟淹没了花园小径,我们只好在沟渠间兜兜转转。

7.Judas attacked a city strongly fortified with ditches and walls. The city was called Caspin. People of every race pved there.犹大又进军攻击一座筑有垣墙与堡垒的坚城,住在里面的是些混杂的民族,城名叫做卡斯平。

8.We hid ourselves in our half-trenches, half-ditches, trying to camouflage ourselves with branches, sod, and all things we could find.我们将自己隐蔽在尚未完工的战壕中,试图用树枝、草、和任何我们能找到的东西来进行伪装。

9.He'd been sleeping rough for a week, in ditches and haystacks.他在沟里和草堆里露宿了一个星期。

10.He made ditches in the fields to draw off the water.他在田里挖了沟以便排水。