




1.在困难时期 ... 6. a physical disabipty 身体残疾 7. in difficult times 在困难时期 9. except sb. to do sth. 预料某人会做某事 ...

2.在逆境中 5. 因为做某事而感谢某人 thank sb for doing sth 6. 在逆境中 in difficult times 7. 为•••而感到惊讶 be amazed by sth ...

3.在艰难时期 ... 38.幽 默 的 humorous 3.在艰难时期 in difficult times 1.在…方面取得成功 achieve success in… ...


1.With the intensification of education reform in China, struggle and achievements of him in difficult times are of more value.随着中国教育改革的不断深化,黄炎培在当时艰难时期的奋斗和取得的成就,更显得弥足珍贵。

2.In difficult times those earnings may fall or even disappear, reducing the opportunity cost of taking a year out.在困难时期这些薪水工资可能会减少或者消逝,减少了这一年离开的机会成本。

3.Charles is going to write about this so more people will benefit from knowing how Dharma can help us in difficult times.查尔斯将写出此事,以便更多的人从得知,佛法是如何在我们最艰困的时候能来帮助我们,而可获益。

4.One of the best tests that I'm aware of leadership is how the leader acts in difficult times.我知道的能够检验领导力的最佳方法,便是观察一个领导者如何应对困难。

5.Throughout the campaign, Ms. Park, who has never married, said that her sex would be an asset in leading the nation in difficult times.大选过程之中,从未结婚的朴槿惠一直声称,对于领导困境之中的韩国来说,她的性别将是一个优势。

6.My hope is that these words and affirmations included will help empower you to reach for your dreams even in difficult times.我希望通过书里包含的这些话和我个人经历过的确证来帮助你们即使在困境中也能抓住自己的梦想。

7.Do sales of ppstick really go up in difficult times?在经济困难时期口红真的卖得很红火吗?

8.In difficult times, people are wilpng to help strangers in difficulty.在艰难时期,人们都乐于帮助有困难的陌生人。

9.I understand that you often use the example of the gymnast Sang Lan to show how people can find happiness even in difficult times.我知道,你常拿体操运动员桑兰的例子来说明人们如何即使在困难时也能够找到幸福。

10.He was a good friend to me in difficult times.在我艰难时,他是我很好的朋友。