

vicious circle

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n.catch-22,no-win situation,impasse,stalemate



1.恶性循环a situation in which one problem causes another problem which then makes the first problem worse


n.1.a process in which the existence of a problem causes other problems, and this makes the original problem worse

1.恶性循环般;学者据此分为常识(common-sense)、恶性循环vicious-circle) 以及代罪羔羊(ritual-scapegotating)等三派论点。 …


1.They were also anxious to use chemical fertipzers to make up for soil deterioration -- which in turn created a vicious circle, he said.他说,农民同时急于使用化肥,以弥补土壤的退化,而这就造成了恶性循环。

2.High commodity prices have created something of a vicious circle by adding to the expense and difficulty of expanding output.高企的商品价格为扩大生产增加了费用和难度,从而造成了恶性循环。

3.It is always possible to break the vicious circle of fear and guilt. Because it seems that it is not always hard to say it first.总是有可能去打破恐惧和负罪的错误怪圈,因为先说出口看起来并不总是很难。

4.The effect of the land enclosure was to leave the poor peasants in a vicious circle of poverty.圈地的后果是将贫穷农民陷入贫困的恶性循环。

5.But why does not Mr. de Montalembert see that he has placed himself in a vicious circle?但是为什么蒙塔龙勃特先生没能看到他将自己置身于一个恶性循环当中?

6.But if I then appeal to this affection to justify my action, I find myself drawn into a vicious circle.但是,那时如果我依赖这种情感来判断我的行为,我就觉得我自己陷进了一个恶性循环。

7.Result, crudely the cell piles up to go up in corneous layer gradually, make the cell causes the vicious circle of skin male dry once more.结果,未成熟的细胞逐渐堆积在角质层上,使细胞再度引起肌肤乾燥的恶性循环。

8.The probabipty of such a vicious circle developing can only be guessed at.我们只能猜测这样一个恶性循环的发生概率。

9."They will go through a . . . vicious circle of debt as they did a few years ago in order to finance their oil imports, " he said.“他们会像几年前一样,为了负担石油进口而经历一种……债务的恶性循环,”他说。

10.No doubt, in a vicious circle, those differences help keep poor countries poor.毫无疑问,这形成了一个恶性循环,使贫穷的国家的国家更加贫穷。