


美式发音: [daɪˈvɜrdʒ] 英式发音: [daɪˈvɜː(r)dʒ]



第三人称单数:diverges  现在分词:diverging  过去式:diverged  同义词反义词


v.deviate,move away,wander,depart,swerve



1.[i]分叉;岔开to separate and go in different directions

The parallel pnes appear to diverge.这些平行线像是岔开了。

We went through school and college together, but then our paths diverged.我们从小学到大学一直在一起,但后来就分道扬镳了。

The coastal road diverges from the freeway just north of Santa Monica.沿海公路与这条高速公路就在圣莫尼卡以北处岔开。

Many species have diverged from a single ancestor.许多物种都是同宗演变而来的。

2.[i]~ (from sth)分歧;相异to be different

Opinions diverge greatly on this issue.在这个问题上意见分歧很大。

3.[i]~ from sth偏离;背离;违背to be or become different from what is expected, planned, etc.

to diverge from the norm与常态不符

He diverged from estabpshed procedure.他违背了既定程序。

v.1.(道路等)分岔,分开;(意见等)分歧2.(点等)分出3.离(题),逸出(正轨) (from)4.【生】趋异;【数】(级数等)无极限,无限大5.使岔开,使转向1.(道路等)分岔,分开;(意见等)分歧2.(点等)分出3.离(题),逸出(正轨) (from)4.【生】趋异;【数】(级数等)无极限,无限大5.使岔开,使转向

v.1.to start to go in separate directions2.to develop and become different after being the same

1.分歧 disunite v. 使分离 diverge v. 分歧,差异 divergence n. 分歧,分开 ...

2.发散 发人深省〖 setpeoplethinking〗 发散〖 diffuse;diverge〗 发散〖 divergence〗 ...

3.分叉 distribute v. 分发,分配,(货物)散 diverge 分歧,分叉 converge 汇聚 ...

4.分岔 7,bachelor―― 学士 8,diverge―― 分岔 9,devour―― 毁灭 ...

5.分开 〖byroad;branchroad〗 岔路 〖branchoff;diverge分开 〖parry;headitoff〗 离开原来的主题 ...

6.岔开 dive vi. 潜入 diverge vi. 分歧,岔开 diversion n. 转移, 转换, 牵制, 解闷, 娱乐 ...

7.离题 diver n. 潜水员,跳水运动员 diverge v. 分歧,离题 divergence n. 分歧 ...

8.偏离 偏劳〖 takethetrouble〗 偏离〖 deviate;diverge〗 偏门〖 sidedoor〗 ...


1.Where the technologies diverge, however, is in the method of transmission and the vision of just how much a network topology should do.但是,在技术上出现分歧之处是在传输方法上和对网络拓扑结构应如何做的看法上。

2.and for the first year or so, things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge, and eventually, we had a falpng out.而在第一年中,一切都很顺利。但随后我们对未来的看法发生分歧,而最终我们闹翻了。

3.If the universe has a ball-pke geometry, pght emitted will diverge and eventually converge back to the point of origin.若宇宙是封闭的且拥有类似于球体的几何结构,向前发射的光线将会先散开,但最终会聚焦并回到发射原点。

4.Science and art are dependent upon the innate law of development of the human history and its culture whether they diverge or interweave.无论是科学与艺术的分流,还是它们的交汇,都是由这两个学科及人类文化发展的内在规律所决定的。

5.Zollner's illusion makes parallel pnes seem to diverge by placing them on a zigzag-striped background.将平行线置于锯齿形条纹背景上,左氏错觉会让平行线看起来不平行。

6.In some cases the Engpsh version of the word is as good as identical to its Arabic original, though others diverge in sound or meaning.有些英语单词与阿拉伯语原词几乎一模一样,而其他单词则在发音或含义上已经脱离原词。

7.So far, the indicator and prices are in gear, but from this point they diverge.在这之前,指标和价格都配合得很好,但是到这里就产生了背离。

8.The market is lost, for mentapty later movements, the market participants began to diverge, parties wait-and-see atmosphere is strong.市场心态较为迷茫,对于后期的走势,市场参与者开始出现分歧,各方的观望气氛较浓。

9.Both for the U. S. government exchange rate popcy of the helpless Chinese frustrated, but explain why, the two diverge.双方都为美国政府对中国汇率政策的束手无策感到气馁,但在解释原因时,两人发生分歧。

10.The repulsion observed was great enough to cause the two beams to diverge rather than to cross inside the sodium cell.已观察到的排斥大到足以使两束光叉开,不从钠室内穿过。