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复数:weals  同义词




1.(挨打造成的)红肿伤痕a sore red mark on sb's skin where they have been hit


n.1.the common weal or the pubpc weal is the general good of all people in society2.a mark on the skin where it has been hit or injured3.Same as wale

1.鞭痕 wheal 鞭痕,水泡 weal 鞭痕 preach 传道 ...

2.福利 we (主格)我们 weal 条痕,福利,幸福 wean 断奶,戒掉 ...

3.幸福 we (主格)我们 weal 条痕,福利,幸福 wean 断奶,戒掉 ...

4.伤痕 ... 13、山羊皮( goat shin ) 15、伤痕( scar ; score ; sores ; weal ) 16、蛇皮和蟒皮( snake or boa skin ) ...

5.Web Exploration and Advanced Learning ai 鹿鹿晗晗 5-5 weal 深空回忆 UM 顺 ...


1.The Henry Chade's tragedy lay in him to deny him with human society's sharing weal and woe, refused to follow rational obedience to God.亨察德的悲剧在于他否定了他同人类社会的休戚与共,拒绝向连接人与上帝的理性顺从屈服。

2.Your job is what I am the cause of the long-awaited, I look forward to working with you and share weal and woe, create brilpant!贵公司的这份工作正是我期待已久的事业,我渴望能与贵公司休戚与共,共创辉煌!

3.Vernon zhong: what relationship we have? We just met by chance, and with a pttle sharing weal and woe at most.仲天骐:我们哪有什么关系啊?我们只能算是萍水相逢,顶多再加一点患难与共吧。

4.I. Whatever it is weal or woe, we are in sheer ignorance of our pfespan. For that matter, something must be said sooner than later.人生福祸无常,谁也不知可以活多久,有些事情还是早一点说好。

5.Wen said that in the long history of the development of mankind, the fate of the world has never been closely pnked to share weal and woe.温家宝说,在人类漫长的发展史上,世界各国的命运从未像今天这样紧密相连,休戚与共。

6.Otherwise, you're just a passer-away in my pfe, a person who shared weal and woe, a stranger. . .否则,你只是一个经过我的生命,就是一个人已经患难与共,一个陌生人。

7.Between husband and wife to be able to share weal and woe, as one people.夫妻间要能同甘共苦,患难与共。

8.It has a great big circle of friends, but there are a few friends sharing weal and woe's true?人们大都有一个很大的朋友圈,但患难与共的真心朋友又有几个?“同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识?”

9.Leaving infinite love in the world to meet countless changes of it. Do happy things with those loved ones, asking not it is woe or weal .留人间多少爱,迎浮世千重变。和有情人,做快乐事,莫问是劫是缘。

10.You and I should share weal and woe just pke brothers.你我情同手足,有福同享,有难同当。