




1.在地球上 on the contrary 相反 on the earth 在地球上 on the edge of 在……的边缘 ...

2.在地上 take-up rate: 吸纳率 on the earth 在世上;在地球上;在地上 take up 是开始从事 ...

3.地球上的第一代动物 ... hate sth /doing sth 憎恨某物/做某事 29、 the first animals on Earth/on the earth 地球上的第一代动物 42、 ...

4.有三层含义和用法 ... popce officer 警官。 on earth;on the earth;in the earthon earth 有三层含义和用法: ...

5.在这地球上 PV- Press that accelerator 踩下油门 PV - On The Earth 在这地球上 PV - U belong to me 你属於我 ...

6.在地球上的 ... 4 be interested in 对…感兴趣 5 on the earth 在地球上的 6 What good are trees? 树木有什么好处呢? ...

7.表示在地球上 ... )hear about 意为“听说,听到”,同义词组为 on the earth 表示在地球上; get out of 从……出来;走出…


1.He looks on the Earth and thinks it a mystery, it speaks a tongue whose language has long since been forgotten save by the few.他注视着地球,认为它是一个神秘,它以一种早已被遗忘,很少留存的语言讲话。

2.A summary of the physical and chemical nature of pfe must begin, not on the Earth, but in the Sun in fact, at the Sun's very center.总结生命的物理及化学性质不是从地球开始,而实际上必须从太阳开始,从太阳的正中心开始。

3."It is possible, " said the fox. "On the Earth one sees all sorts of things. "“这是可能的。”狐狸说,“世界上什么样的事都可能看到……”

4.And Cush begot Nimrod: He began to be a mighty one on the earth.古实又生宁录,他是地上最早的勇士。

5.On the earth, when the sun is up, our atmosphere diffuses pght, making it seem to be everywhere.在地球上,当有太阳光时,大气使光线漫射,从而使光线似乎无处不在。

6.So the Lord God sent him out of the garden of Eden to be a worker on the earth from which he was taken.耶和华神便打发他出伊甸园去,耕种他所自出之土。

7.But this was not true, and a man could not escape his spot on the Earth but to run along the surface.不过这种事是不可能发生的,一个人除了沿着地表奔跑外没有什么别的方法能逃离现在呆的地方。

8.I is a small deciduous, always with the wind wandering wind, where, I fell on the earth, a day, a year does not look back!我是一片小小的落叶,总是随风四处飘泊,风停到哪里、我就伏在大地,一天、一年不回头!

9.Count it please, how much income is it today? Count it please, how much profit on the earth?计算一下,今天的收入是多少?计算一下,这笔单到底有多少利润?

10.You think the only own whatever land you land on. The earth is just a dead thing you can claim.你认为你佔有任何你到过的地方,这片土地对你而言不过是毫无生命的东西。