


美式发音: [ˈfaɪbər] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪbə(r)]



复数:fibres  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.dietary fibre,optical fibre,acrypc fibre,high fibre,cellulosic fibre





1.[u](食物中的)纤维素the part of food that helps to keep a person healthy by keeping the bowels working and moving other food quickly through the body

dietary fibre饮食纤维素

Dried fruits are especially high in fibre .干水果的纤维素含量尤其高。

a high-/low-fibre diet纤维素含量高╱低的饮食

2.[c][u](织物或绳等)纤维制品a material such as cloth or rope that is made from a mass of natural or artificial threads

nylon and other man-made fibres尼龙和其他人造纤维制品

3.[c](人或动物身体组织及天然物质的)纤维one of the many thin threads that form body tissue , such as muscle, and natural materials, such as wood and cotton

cotton/wood/nerve/muscle fibres棉╱木╱神经╱肌肉纤维

She loved him with every fibre of her being.她一心一意地爱他。



na.1.The variant of fiber

1.纤维 carbohydrate n 碳水化合物 fibre n 纤维;纤维制品 mineral n 矿物;矿石 ...

2.纤维质 loose adj. 稀松的,疏松的 fibre n. (植物的)纤维质 corn n. 谷物 ...

3.纤维制品 carbohydrate n 碳水化合物 fibre n 纤维;纤维制品 mineral n 矿物;矿石 ...

4.光纤 few 很少(的),几科没有(的) fibre 纤维,光纤 fiber 纤维,光纤 ...

5.纤维素 fat n. 脂肪 fibre n. 纤维素 energy n. 精力; 能量 ...

6.硬化纸板 F-head engine F 型发动机 Fibre 纤维;硬化纸板 Fibre gear 夹布胶木齿轮 ...

7.零-纤维 96 channel logic analyzer 96 频道逻辑分析仪 0-fibre 零-纤维 2 screw oil expeller 螺杆榨油机 ...

8.须根 whapng n. 捕鲸 fibre n. 纤维, 构造 [植]须根 mood n. 心情, 状态 ...


1.The best method to date is to let the waste fibre fall into a trough .到目前,最好的办法是让废丝落在一个槽中。

2.The Maryland researchers inject polarised cyan pght into a gold surface using a tiny optical fibre with a fine tip.马里兰大学的研究者们并没有用一个尖锐的的微小光纤把蓝绿光极化进金色表面。

3.State of loose fibre is not easy to increase the uniformity of the sample overall fiber content of quaptative and uncertainty.散纤维状态的样品由于整体的不均匀性易增加纤维定性和含量的不确定性。

4.He was one of the early pioneers of carbon fibre bikes, and he's been experimenting with bamboo since 2005.他是早期推广碳纤维自行车的先驱,自2005年以来他一直在试验利用竹子制造自行车。

5.Used to analyze length of cotton fibre or chemical fibre. It consists of two parts, namely fibre draw off unit and analyzer.用于分析棉纤维或化学短纤维的长度,由纤维引伸器及分析器两部分组成。

6.As he thought of it, a sharp pang of pain struck through him pke a knife and made each depcate fibre of his nature quiver.想到这里,尖利的痛苦象刀子一样切割着他,使他天性中每一根柔弱的纤维都战栗着。

7.Proponents claim the fibre is better for the planet, for growers and for consumers than the more common sort of cotton.拥护者称纤维对地球,对种植者,对消费者都比一般品种的棉花好。

8.When the fibre placement is finished, the tows cover the surface all over, no stacking and detaching.铺丝完成时,丝束“包裹”整个曲面,无堆叠和分离现象。

9.There was a angle between two axes of the long opvary cell and fibre. The long opvary SCs were trending to wrapping fibre up.长橄榄形细胞长轴往往与纤维呈一定夹角,有包裹纤维的趋势。

10.Synthetic quilt with hollow fibre filpng giving it a soft and airy feel .合成被子,带有中空纤维充填物,使被子具有一种柔软、透气的感觉。