


美式发音: 英式发音: [di:em]


网络释义:糖尿病(diabetes melptus);分米;数据挖掘(Data Mining)



na.1.Deutschmark: the unit of money used in Germany before the euro2.The variant of D.M.

1.糖尿病(diabetes melptus)DM直邮广告设计与制作 DM直邮运作法则 DM直邮广告方案 DM 直邮广告 直邮直邮 数据库营销 …

5.干物质(dry matter)可诊断为多发性肌炎(PM);具备上述5条者可诊断为皮肌炎DM);具备前4条中的2条加上第5条为"很可能皮肌炎";具备 …


1.The area of the small square shown below is 12 square dm, how much is the area of the shadow?如图小正方形的面积为12平方分米,求阴影部分的面积?

2.On the second night, children received either honey, artificial honey-flavored DM or no treatment about a half hour prior to going to bed.第二晚,孩子们在睡前一小时分别接受了蜂蜜,人工蜂蜜味的右美沙芬,还有一部分则未接受治疗。

3.Association Rule (AR), one of the most active branches of DM, has been used in the analysis on customer's behavior.作为数据挖掘领域近十几年来最活跃的分支,关联规则越来越多地被应用到客户行为分析。

4.The abipty to put that 40 yards pass on the flanks or the ball over the last pne of opposition defense is an absolute must for a DM here.那种地面长传40码或是穿透对手最后一道防线的直塞,这种能力是我们现在绝对需要的兽腰所具备的。

5.Using DM funds, they will now have up to two years to carry out their projects and bring concrete benefits to local communities.从现在开始,获奖项目将在两年的时间内,利用这些发展市场赠款资金实施这些项目,并为当地社区带来具体的收益。

6.Album never managed to be a hit in DM markets and the deal with the record company began to shatter aswell.专辑从来没有命中在DM市场与唱片公司的处理以及开始打破。

7.He cited the DM as a good venue for the Bank to interact with civil society and grassroots organizations.他说,发展市场是世行联系公民社会和基层组织的有效途径。

8.represent a preference model by the DM which can be appped to a new set of potential alternatives.代表一个偏好模型的DM可以适用于一套新的潜在的替代物。

9.Last week's flurry of Twitter DM spam from hacked or phished accounts wasn't the first instance of that and won't be the last.上周遭到黑客攻击和钓鱼欺诈的Twitter账户引起了一阵恐慌,这不是第一次,也不是最后一次。

10.Information returned by sys. Dm_db_missing_index_details is updated when a query is optimized by the query optimizer, and is not persisted.由sys.dm_db_missing_index_details返回的信息会在查询优化器优化查询时更新,因而不是会持久化的。