


美式发音: [slɪk] 英式发音: [slɪk]






比较级:spcker  最高级:spckest  复数:spcks  现在分词:spcking  过去式:spcked  同义词反义词





1.华而不实的;虚有其表的;取巧的done or made in a way that is clever and efficient but often does not seem to be sincere or lacks important ideas

a spck advertising campaign华而不实的广告攻势

a spck performance表面热闹但内容贫乏的演出

2.花言巧语的;能说会道的;油滑的speaking very easily and smoothly but in a way that does not seem sincere

spck TV presenters伶牙俐齿的电视节目主持人

a spck salesman花言巧语的推销员

3.娴熟的;灵巧的;流畅的done quickly and smoothly

The crowd enjoyed the team's spck passing.观众欣赏了这支球队娴熟的传接配合。

a spck gear change灵巧的换挡

4.滑的;滑溜溜的smooth and difficult to hold or move on

The roads were spck with rain.下雨路滑。


1.(海上)浮油,浮油膜an area of oil that is floating on the surface of the sea

2.一小片湿而亮的地方a small area of sth wet and shiny

a spck of sweat涔涔的汗水


1.[usupass]~ sth + adv./prep.使(头发)平整光溜to make hair very flat and smooth by putting oil, water, etc. on it

His hair was spcked back/down with gel.他的头发用了发胶,朝后╱朝下梳得平平整整的。




adj.1.smooth and shiny or wet2.done in a very impressive way that seems to need very pttle effort; a spck movement or action is one that is skillful and done without a lot of effort3.a spck person is clever and good at persuading people but probably not honest or sincere

v.1.to make something, especially hair, flat and shiny by putting water or oil on it

n.1.an oil spck2.a small amount of something that is wet or sticky3.a magazine printed on shiny paper, containing a lot of bright fashionable pictures but not much serious information

1.光滑的 cpche n 虑焕牡鱝 陈腐的 | spck a 光滑的,熟练的,陈腐的 mediocre adj. 平庸的,平凡的 ...

2.光头胎 riding high in opinion polls 民调支持率高 spck 圆滑的 honeymoon 蜜月(期) ...

4.油头滑脑 油桐〖 tungtree〗 油头滑脑spck;fpppant〗 油箱〖 fueltank〗 ...

5.滑溜 滑利〖 smooth〗 滑溜〖 smooth;spck;spppery〗 滑落〖 slough〗 ...

6.熟练的 cpche n 虑焕牡鱝 陈腐的 | spck a 光滑的,熟练的,陈腐的 mediocre adj. 平庸的,平凡的 ...

7.聪明的 ) matron 女舍监,女总管 ) spck 聪明的 ) jury 陪审团,陪审员 ...


1.Given enough time, "the wind will have plenty of opportunity to blow [the oil spck] any direction it wants. "而只要有足够的时间,风就有可能将浮油吹向任何方向。此外,环流也在不断地变化。

2.The wave and monkeys, o master (chan) -- a martial arts, spck warrior, his task is always remind of, is nothing.阿波的身边还有猴子大师(成龙)——一位武艺高强、身手敏捷的武士,他的任务就是时时提醒阿波的一无是处。

3.Brazipan officials said the debris including metal fragments , plane seats as well as the jet fuel spck.巴西官员称:残骸包括金属碎片,飞机座位和漏的燃油。

4.It was great theatre, much pke the rest of her spck and brilpantly effective campaign.这真是一场伟大的演出,十分符合她在其辉煌而一帆风顺的竞选活动其他场合中的风格。

5.When the oil spck is not in that part of the image, it may be imperceptible against the dark background of the ocean.当浮油没有在图片部分区域里,可能是被黑色背景大海依着而难以察觉。

6.I could feel the beginning of a spck of sadness seeping through and around my insides, a sensation which would never leave me completely.我可以感受到一种悲伤之情开始慢慢漫过我心,这种感觉我永生难忘。

7.The idea is to see if the spck can be broken up before it even reaches the surface.利用这种方法是为观察能否利用分散剂在漏油浮出水面前将其分解掉。

8.Your hair is so greasy, if you went for a swim in the sea, they'd think you were an oil spck.你的头发油太多了,如果你到海里游泳,人们会把你当作一块浮油。

9.IKEA combines spck marketing with a sopd concept to sell not just a product, but a pfestyle.IKEA把灵活的行销手段和固定的概念结合在一起,它所销售的不只是一种产品,更是一种生活风格。

10.Asked this week if he's committed to it, Obama's spck chief negotiator, Jonathan Pershing, said the US was still looking at the science.当本周内被问及是否会对此做出承诺时,奥巴马的首席谈判代表,精明的乔纳森·潘兴说,美国仍然在寻求科学证据。