




1.声音的记忆「声音」的四个面向:「声音的互动」(PLAY)、「声音的记忆」(MEMERY)、「声音的指示性」(INDICATION)、「声音的聆 …

2.笔记本内存条般计算机的结构相似,有中央处理单元(CPU)、存 贮器(MEMERY)、输入/输出(INPUT/OUTPUT)接口、电源部件及外 部 …

4.记忆卡3.选单中选择进入记忆卡(memery),有纪录的那张4.选择纪录后选择复制到slot2那张卡就可以了加入日期: May 2000 您的住址: …


1."Memery, " selected from musical "Cats" , this is the beginning of the concert Sarah Brightman , is a classic!《回忆》选自音乐剧《猫》,这段的开头是莎拉布莱曼演唱的,非常的经典!

2.Your face still young which in the memery , but we all know that will be forgotten pke the old photo .记忆中的脸颊依旧年轻,可我们都知道那也只会像渐渐泛黄相片而被遗忘。

3.The quiet forget hides two images. Spring breeze brings you this memery and deep love.静静的树林,深藏着一对身影。轻轻的春风,传送给你这一份记忆和一片深情。

4.The things you downloaded in my computer always remind the memery which we share together.那些你下载到我电脑里的东西一直提醒着我那些我们一起分享的记忆。

5.Her memery is very bad. The colleague doubts she steals something. As a result, we decide to chang a nurse.同事还怀疑她偷东西,这可是品质问题,所以大家决定换一个保姆。

6.sorry my memery my mind totally short.不好意思,我记忆不太好

7.If there are two completely separate, isolated memery systems, this is not possible.如果确实存在两个完全独立的内存系统,就不会出现这种可能性。

8.Yes, I think everyone coming to Beijing will have a great memery.是的。我认为每一位来北京的人印象都非常深刻。

9.Commit key words to memery.牢记核心词。

10.This young person, who was twelve years old, was at its most vigorous of his pfe. He ped on the bed and was enjoying his beautiful memery.这位十二岁的,正处于人生中精力最旺盛时期的少年躺在床上享受着美丽的回忆。