




1.做作业 homework n. 家庭作业;课外作业 do homework 做作业 go home 回家 ...

2.做家庭作业 movie actor 电影演员 do homework 做家庭作业 watch TV 看电视 ...

3.做功课 clean room 打扫房间 do homework 做功课 hurry up 赶快 ...

4.作家庭作业 make the bed 整理床铺 do homework 作家庭作业 look for 寻找 ...

5.就在做功课3. 从昨天起,就一直在下雨。 4. 从五时起,他就在做功课do homework)。 5.

6.写作业 in class 在上课 do homework 写作业 sports shoes 运动鞋 ...


1.Electronic games are very popular for the students. Some students play it all day around, forget to do homework, even play truant.电子游戏在学生中很流行,有些同学成天玩电子游戏,忘了做作业,甚至逃学。

2.Chinese parents rarely question the decisions of teachers, but Ms. Yin sometimes offered to do homework for her daughter.中国父母极少对老师的决定提出质疑,但尹建莉有时却主动为女儿写家庭作业。

3.For some kids, they might have to double-up on work the next day so they can do homework.有些孩子可以需要合力完成第二天的某项工作,这样他们才有时间做家庭作业。

4.You do not even try to do homework that you do not understand (you end up copying from friends at school).你甚至不再试着去做那些你不理解的作业(最终在学校里抄同学了事)。

5.In this sentence, although the speaker did not mention who should do homework, but clearly refers to the hearer.在这个句子中,尽管说话者没有提及谁应该做作业,但很清楚是指的听话者。

6.I would pke to have gone to your birthday party last night, but I had to do homework.昨天晚上我本来要参加你的生日晚会的,但因做家庭作业而没有去成。

7.engage oneself to do sth Don't engage yourself to do homework all day.不要让自己整天做作业。

8.I think it's quite necessary to do homework , because doing homework can provide us with chance to see if you have learned well or not.我认为做作业是非常必要的,因为做作业能给我们检查自己学的好还是不好的机会。

9.'And if we ask him to sit down and do homework, he can actually do it, ' she said to ABC News.“我们让他坐下做作业,他就照做。”她在ABC新闻采访时说。

10.He is tough, because we always to decorate difficult do homework to the cart before the horse our Engpsh teacher had to come to help us.他也算严厉,因为总给我们布置难做得作业,以倒置我们英语老师不得不来帮我们。