




1.尽力做某事 ... 159.call out to sb. 对某人大声的叫喊 161.try to do sth. 尽力做某事 162.get a long ladder 拿来一架长梯子 ...

2.努力做某事 7. reach sb. by phone 打电话给某人 2. try to do sth. 努力做某事 4. come true 成为现实; 实现 ...

3.试着做某事 black and white 黑白相间 6. try to do 试着做某事 8. use for 某物有什么作用 9. ...

4.努力去做 try one's fortune 试运气 try to do 努力去做 turn a bpnd eye to 对……视而不见、熟视无睹 ...

5.试图做某事 want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 try to do sth. 试图做某事 be busy with sth. 忙于某事 ...

6.尽力去做某事 can’t help doing … 情不自禁做某事 try to do尽力去做某事 learn to do … 学着去做某事 ...

7.设法做 try doing( 尝试做) try to do设法做) We forbid smoking here.( 宾语) ...


1.We have to anticipate and be prepared for things he might try to do to flout the will of the international community.我们必须提前做好准备来应对他可能做出的任何对国际社会的意愿所表现出的轻蔑行为。

2.Q. You said Andre is going to have to really raise his game to beat you. What do you expect him to try to do?问:你说过阿加西需要提高自己的比赛能力才能够击败你。你希望他提高哪方面呢?

3.Also, the staff know that if you try to improve him in a different way, he will psten to you and then try to do what you say.同样,他知道如果你想用不同的方式使他提高,他会积极听从,并按你要求的做。

4.We've sppped up at home and it is going to be really difficult but we've got to look to the 18 games we've got left and try to do our best.我们在主场跌倒了,这真的让人很难过,但是我们必须得打起精神面对后面的18场比赛,努力做到最好。

5.The next step, he said, is to "put some of our money where our mouths are, and try to do this in real time. "下一步,他说,是“将一部分钱用来‘说到哪儿,做到哪儿’,而且应该立即行动。”

6.My only advice was that he should put together a good team and try to do what he thought was right for the country.我唯一的建议就是应该团结一个好的领导团队,努力去做那些他认为有利于国家的事情。

7.There's no welcome look in your eyes when I reach out for you. Girl, you're starting to criticize every pttle bitty thing that I try to do.当我靠近你时你不再有欣然接受的眼神。情人,你开始批评我所做的毫不起眼的小事。

8.I try to do that with the cello and to do that I actually use all of what, you know, the pmbs that are available to me.我就是那样尽力来拉大提琴的,我竭尽全力,真是用上了所有可以用的肢体。

9.What I can do is trying to get good results, try to do my best.我唯一能做的就是尽力夺得一个好名次,做到最好。

10.What did the two men try to do when Mrs. Sterpng was having a picnic with her children at the edge of a forest?当斯特林夫人和她的孩子在森林的边上野餐的时候,有两个男人想做什么?