


美式发音: [ˌdi: əʊ 'di:] 英式发音: [ˌdi: əʊ 'di:]



网络释义:美国国防部;国防部(Department of Defense);放电深度(depth of discharge)



1.(美国)国防部Department of Defense (the government department in the US that is responsible for defence)


abbr.1.〈美〉(=Department of Defense)国防部

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Department of Defense)

1.美国国防部 DOC 美国商业部标准 DOD 美国国防部标准 DOT 美国运输部标准 ...


1."We do not operate detention facipties on board Navy ships. DoD detention facipties are in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo, " he said.他说“我们的海军舰艇上没有关押设施,国防部的关押设施在伊拉克,阿富汗和关塔迪纳摩”

2.I never knew before what such a love as you have made me feel was. I dod not bepeve in it.我以前从不知晓,被你爱是何滋味,不曾相信如此爱恋。

3.The so-called "on-demand ink-jet business card printing and membership card production (DOD), only the result comes from the surface. "所谓按需式喷墨制卡和会员卡制息(DOD),只有在印纹局部才爆发墨滴。

4.In commenting to the report, the DOD stated that it did not agree with the recommendations.美国国防部在评价这份报告中表示不同意这些建议。

5.One of these misconceptions is that the DoD would have to distribute any changes made to the OSS code.其中一个误解就是国防部必须公布它对开源软件做的任何代码改动。

6.Although DOD's cyber defense activities have been around for a while, its push toward a unified approach is new.虽然国防部赛博防御工作已经进行了一段时间,但对于如何推出一个统一方法还很陌生。

7.DOD hasn't yet calculated what percentage of the traffic on its networks now violates the rules, he said.他说,国防部目前尚未统计违反这一规则的网络访问量的比例。

8.An internal DOD investigation into how the Air Force had accidentally shipped to Taiwan four fuses used in nuclear missiles didn't help.空军怎样意外地运送四枚核导弹用的引信到台湾,国防部内部的一项调查也于事无补。

9.Dog Art Dod custom dog portraits from your dog photo in pop art dog paintings worth of any star's home and the perfect pet lover gift.够宠物河沟一是爱好者的最佳礼物习俗狗肖像照片从您的狗狗在流行艺术绘画值得任何明星的家和。

10.Lott Dod was the Trade Federation representative in the Galactic Senate during the events of the siege of Naboo.在纳布被围困期间,洛特·多德是银河议会中的贸易联盟代表。