


美式发音: [ˈdɔɡˌhaʊs] 英式发音: [ˈdɒɡˌhaʊs]






1.狗窝;犬舍a small shelter for a dog to sleep in

IDMbe in the doghouse(informal)受冷落;失体面;丢脸if you arein the doghouse , sb is annoyed with you because of sth that you have done


n.1.a small building for a dog to sleep in. The British word is kennel.

1.狗舍 妙狗拯救圣诞节 The Christmas Dog 狗屋 Doghouse 外星人起义 Apen Uprising ...

3.狗窝 狗尾续貂〖 addadog'stailtothesablecoat〗 狗窝〖 kennel;doghouse〗 狗熊〖 Asiaticblackbear〗 ...

4.犬舍 亨利小上帝耶稣亨利救世主 以神父之名 Jesus Henry Christ 狗舍狗屋 Doghouse 都市女孩都市女孩第一季 Girls Season 1 ...

6.联合犬舍 如何加盟 Train Level C 联合犬舍 Doghouse 犬舍介绍 Kennel Intro ...

7.加料口 ... 加料漏斗: charging hopper 加料口doghouse 加料记录: charge book ...


1.The concept with an Engpsh preferred label of "dog" might have a "related" relationship with a "doghouse" concept in a different taxonomy.具有英语首选标签“dog”的概念可能与在不同分类中的“doghouse”概念具有“related”关系。

2.Bart: Yeah, I meant to ask you about her. Who let her out of the doghouse?巴特:对,我就是要向你问到她,是谁放她出狗舍的?。

3.Through mutual understanding and compromise, the special assistant to the president is out of the doghouse.经过彼此了解和妥协,总裁的特别助理不再失宠。

4.Yeah, but I don't deserve to be here. I didn't do anything. -Every man in the doghouse thinks he's innocent. Isn't that right, boys?耶,但我不应该到这里。我什么也没做。-这狗舍里的所有男人都认为自己是无辜的。对吗,小伙子们?

5.I even had my foot on the porch step when Cuddles burst from his doghouse pke a fire engine answering an alarm.宝贝儿像救火车听到了警报似的从它的狗窝里冲出来时,我甚至已经踏到埃默生家前门廊的台阶上了。

6.If I don't find the earrings that she lent me, I'll really be in the doghouse.我若不把她借给我的耳环找到,一定会被她骂得很惨。

7.Mickey picks up the puppy from the doghouse. Then the puppy runs over to the goldfish bowl for a drink.Mickey从狗笼里将小狗抱出来,然后小狗便跑去金鱼缸那里喝水。

8.China is trying to keep Taiwan in the international doghouse.中国设法把台湾排斥在国际社会之外。

9.For nearly a century the ancient sage was confined to the intellectual doghouse in the land of his birth.在近一百年的时间,这位古代圣贤在他出生的国土受到知识界的冷落。

10.Simon has been in the doghouse with his wife for forgetting for her birthday last week.西蒙上周忘了他妻子的生日,他妻子因此一直对她很冷淡。