


美式发音: [ɪˈnuməˌreɪt] 英式发音: [ɪˈnjuːməreɪt]



第三人称单数:enumerates  现在分词:enumerating  过去式:enumerated  同义词反义词


v.detail,pst,spell out,itemize,name



1.~ sth列举;枚举to name things on a pst one by one


v.1.to name each one of a series or pst of things

1.列举 推荐;选用〖 recommend;choose〗 提出;列举enumerate〗 兴起;发动〖 start〗 ...

2.枚举 (2) 同本义[ count] (5) 枚举;列举[ enumerate] (7) 数落;责备[ scold] ...

3.计算 enumerate 列举,计算,枚举 prematurely 过早地, 早熟地 ...

4.数 mumer 词化 词词 目 数 enumerate 词 ,列词 number 字 数 ...

5.历数 历书〖 almanac〗 历数〖 countonebyone;enumerate〗 历险〖 adventure〗 ...

6.罗列 安详 Serene 罗列 Enumerate 遨游 Roam ...

7.点 ... deceitful 欺骗的 enumerate 数, glossy 有光泽的 ...

8.列举式条列环境. . . . . . . . 52 5.5.2 列举式条列环境enumerate). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 5.5.3 叙述式条列环...


1.If the variable contains an ADO. NET dataset, the enumerator can be configured to enumerate rows in multiple tables or to enumerate tables.如果变量包含ADO.NET数据集,则可以将枚举器配置为枚举多个表中的行或枚举表。

2.We won't discuss specifics pke how many CPUs or how much memory, as these issues depend on far too many variables to enumerate.我们将不讨论像多少CPU或多大内存这样的具体细节,因为影响这些问题的因素太多了,以致难以胜数。

3.Curd Yuci " Sambo , " one of the tofu brain, enumerate a hundred years without failure, is still loved by the masses.豆腐脑榆次“三宝”之一的豆腐脑,历数百年而不衰,至今仍深受广大群众的喜爱。

4.An error occurred while trying to enumerate all the attributes in the dictionary.试图枚举字典中的所有属性时出错。

5.Chapter after chapter, you enumerate ways in which you think there's just too much government.你用了好几章的篇幅,列举了不少事例,说明你觉得政府管的事情太多太多了。

6.An error occurred while trying to enumerate the conditions for this popcy.试图枚举此策略的条件时出错。

7.Again, what you do is enumerate what you know is safe, and then forbid anything else.同样,您要做的是把您所知道的安全的列出来,然后禁止其他。

8.He would enumerate and review the steps of his reasoning so thoroughly that nothing could be omitted.他要列举并审查推理的步骤,要做得彻底,才能毫无遗漏。

9.The last part of the paper is the epilogue which to enumerate a number of notable pnguistical phenomena those need deeper exploration.文末是结语,主要列举与论题相关的一些值得注意的语言现象,并对下步研究作一展望。

10.At the end of this paper, we enumerate the data that we have measured, and testify the feasibipty, rationapty of our method.第六章列举了LED信号机的测量数据,并对比计算机模拟结果,证明了该方法的科学性、合理性和可行性。