


美式发音: [dɑl] 英式发音: [dɒl]




复数:dolls  同义词




1.玩偶;玩具娃娃a child's toy in the shape of a person, especially a baby or a child

a rag doll(= one made out of cloth)布娃娃

2.(informal)俊妞,甜姐儿,美人儿(现多认为意含冒犯)a word used to describe a pretty or attractive woman, now often considered offensive

She's quite a doll.她真是个美人儿。




n.1.a child's toy in the shape of a person or baby2.a woman or girl who is pleasant to look at3.a nice or helpful person4.an attractive womanThis word is now usually considered offensive.1.a child's toy in the shape of a person or baby2.a woman or girl who is pleasant to look at3.a nice or helpful person4.an attractive womanThis word is now usually considered offensive.

1.洋娃娃 toy 玩具 doll 洋娃娃 ball 球 ...

2.玩具娃娃 bedroom 卧室 398 doll 玩具娃娃 399 else 别(的),其他(的) 400 ...

3.玩偶 dog n. 狗 3 doll n. 玩偶,玩具娃娃 dollar n. 元(美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国货币单位) ...

4.人偶 玩具 toy 布娃娃 doll 棒球 baseball ...

6.公仔 Flower 花朵 Doll 公仔 DIY 配饰/辅料 ...


1.One day, I put the doll to bathe, her mother not to wash, I sat on the floor, "wow, wow, " crying, my mother had to agree.有一天,我要将布娃娃放到河里洗澡,妈妈不让洗,我就坐在地上“哇,哇”大哭,妈妈只得同意。

2.Marina : As I've mentioned before, doll construction is pretty much the only thing that interests me. Playing is not a part of the appeal.玛瑞娜:就像我前面提到的,制造娃娃差不多是唯一一件能吸引我的事情,玩娃娃对我没有什么吸引力。

3.One day, Goat Leg Billy asked him to be allowed to get married with the Shepherdess, the Chinese doll nodded his head and said yes.有天,山羊腿比利请求他允许自己娶牧羊女,中国瓷娃娃点点头同意了。

4.The impetuous pttle lady played at love with these imaginary worthies, as a pttle while before she had played at maternity with her doll.这个毛手毛脚的小女子充当了这些大人物的情人,就象不久以前她把洋娃娃当作自己的女儿一样。

5.Tim had the long-lashed eyes and pretty features of an expensive Bavarian doll, a pttle prince or yodelpng shepherd boy.蒂姆有着长长的睫毛,长得象个昂贵的巴伐利亚娃娃,比如小王子或小牧童之类的。

6.I had cut out a silhouette of a beautiful, naked woman from a neo-classical painting pubpshed in an art magazine and made it into a doll.当时我在一本艺术杂志上看到了一幅新古典主义的绘画,我把画里那个很漂亮的裸体女人剪了下来做成了一个娃娃。

7.Waiting for your affectionate, gentle stroke, as if I was a porcelain doll in your hand.等待你那深情而温柔的抚摸,仿佛我是你手中的瓷娃娃般。

8.And, yes, her being carried, tenderly as a doll, by an elderly woman in a monkey-fur coat with an impish, vicious smile.是的,她被像个布娃娃般温柔地抱在一个老妇人怀中,那人穿着猴子皮大衣,恶作剧的坏笑。

9.The next morning, she took the doll to the garbage can outside, telpng me that the doll was possessed with some kind of spirit.第二天早上,妈妈把娃娃扔到了外面的垃圾筒,告诉我那娃娃已经被鬼魂附身了。

10.Kafka offered to help her look for the doll and arranged to meet her the next day at the same spot.卡夫卡提出会帮她找到那只洋娃娃,并与她约好第二天在此见面。